What is the process, turnaround & pool construction timeframes?

Video transcription: Once a customer brings their council approved paperwork into the office, usually the timeframe from receiving approvals and the pool going in the ground is between six to eight weeks. That’s a rough timeframe. Weather is something that is beyond anyone’s control but it is usually between six to eight weeks.

Filtration equipment is obviously a really important part of your pool. What we need is usually around two metres, two and a half metres but that depends on the amount of space you’ve got available in your yard. So we can customise the installation of your equipment to best suit your yard.

The day that we excavate your pool is day one of your pool. What we do is, machinery arrives about seven, seven thirty in the morning. We mark out your pool on the ground, decide if you’re happy with where the lights are going in your pool and make some minor changes to the layout of your filtration system. Any little changes you want, that’s the time we do it.

Machinery starts digging and it usually takes the day to get that out, unless we hit rock and things like that which is something that we don’t know we’re going to encounter and usually the customer doesn’t know either. We usually have the hole excavated in that day.

The following day we lift the pool into the ground. The pool is back filled, filled with water and the filtration equipment is installed. So it is roughly two days, two and half days for the self-cleaning pool to be installed.

Once the pool is installed, then we have the filtration started up and we put all of the chemicals into the pool and clean the pool up so it is in swimmable condition. That usually takes twenty-four hours for your dirty pool to become a swimmable pool. Everyone loves to swim in their pool as soon as it’s full of water. Even though the pool is dirty when we’ve filled it up, it’s still in its construction stages, but the day that the pool is full of water, the kids are dying to get in the pool and have a dip. So day two, you can be swimming in your pool.

Once your pool is started up and chemically treated, then your pool needs to settle for a period of two to three weeks. That is to allow for ground movement for the pool to find its natural levels. Then we place a concrete beam around the pool and that is part of the structural integrity of the pool shell.

After we’ve poured that concrete, then we organize the handover of your pool. A handover of the pool is teaching you to drive your new pool. We show you how your system works, getting your fully automated system up and running so it is literally maintenance free. We give you the keys, that’s what a handover is. Give one of the team a call today on 1300 667 445.

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