The requirements and responsibilities for a first-time swimming pool owner can be quite daunting. To get an understanding of all that you will be expected to do to keep your pool in tip top shape, our Pool Owner’s Guide will benefit you greatly. Compass Pools has gone to considerable effort to produce this detailed and comprehensive guide which covers everything a pool owner would ever want or need to know. You can get your free copy by calling Compass Pools today.
Video transcription:
Anthony Cross: I’m sitting here with Gary Walters from Pool Controls. He also helps locally in Newcastle with our retail sales efforts. Gary has also been working with our handover team. I know locally with Kelly and her staff, Gary is one of the handover guys. He turns up at the customer’s home at the end of the installation process and runs through the system of how the pool works and what the procedures are.
There is a lot to be learnt in that timeframe. One of the things that we at Compass Pools Australia have been looking at recently is how can we make that process a better process and provide more value to the customer. What we’ve done is created ourselves a guide. Here it is – it’s called the Compass Pools Pool Owner’s Guide. This guide also contains the customer’s individual warranty certificate, the manufacturer’s warranty certificate.
This guide pretty much covers everything that the pool owner would ever want to know about how to care for, look after and safely use their Compass pool. This information has been available in a number of different locations in the past but it has never really been brought together in one consolidated document. There is also a website, a private website, that hosts the same information. That website is kept fully up to date.
Gary has helped to create some little how- to videos that customers at Compass Pools can log in and access at any time they like to get some refresher information.
How have you found the application and rollout of the Pool Owner’s Guide in your work in doing the handovers, Gary?
Gary Walters: Very good. I think there are not too many questions that we get asked that wouldn’t be covered in the guide. In a lot of the video clips, we tried to address a lot of the commonly asked questions. But it is certainly a great resource or it should be a first go-to if anyone has any questions or concerns on maintaining their pool or their pool water chemistry.
Anthony Cross: There are quite a few subjects when you think about it. There is a whole chapter on pool water chemistry which you’ve been instrumental in helping write and edit and pull together in a way that customers can easily understand.
Gary Walters: That’s right. It can be a little bit daunting especially for a new pool user who has never had a pool before. There are probably a lot of things to try to get your head around. But certainly we’ve tried to cover that fairly well. I think personally a lot of the questions I get asked would definitely be covered in the guide or in the video clips. So again, it’s a great resource or a great go-to for any questions you may have on the operation of your pool.
Anthony Cross: There are requirements and responsibilities I guess for the pool owner to care for the pool. The pool shell is a fibreglass structure and it is exposed to the effects of the chemically treated water. It’s a pretty aggressive environment. It’s also subject to sunlight, UV, all sorts of things. So over the course of years, there is a requirement for some regular maintenance. It’s pretty simple work that the home owner can do and that is explained in here.
Gary Waters: That’s right. The requirements for the home owner are covered in the manual. There are also a few little tips on things like keeping your waterline clear of rust marks that might occur from bobby pins or hair clips (that’s for all the girls out there.) There are some little tips about how to clean those off the pool shell. Generally it’s a great resource.
Anthony Cross: There is practical advice. It is written for a pool owner, written in straightforward language but covering all the essential things that you need to know.
Gary Walters: That’s right. We try not to get too technical in it as you said. It’s just common, everyday material and we try to make it nice and easy for you.
Anthony Cross: Well I appreciate the efforts you’ve contributed to bringing this together. Your experience of being onsite and being in the handover process and talking to the customers has been very influential to the approach we’ve taken in writing this in a way that customers can understand. Certainly the concept of having these little short how- to guides or videos that customers can log on to and watch on the private website is a great benefit. It keeps this document up to date.
Gary Walters: That’s right. It’s a great resource and as you said, it’s something we’re continually working on, so it will be up to date and relevant.
Anthony Cross: Sure. There’s also, I mentioned at the beginning, the personal warranty certificate that is kept in this document. So as a new Compass pool owner, it’s important that you retain your warranty certificate. If there is ever a problem in the future and you need to talk to us as the manufacturer and potentially make a claim, then the warranty certificate terms and conditions on how to make a claim are all spelled out in this document.
That’s been a big effort to bring all of our paperwork up to the current rules and regulations. In 2012, the Australian Consumer Law was modified and it placed a greater onus on putting together a document like this in plain English, with clear information about what is covered, what the exclusions are and importantly, how you can make the claim.
Compass Pools have spent a lot of time embracing the spirit of that change, not just to comply legally but more importantly to treat it as an opportunity to provide you, the pool owner of a Compass pool, with a valuable resource. At the end of the day you can care for your pool, you can maintain it in a way that is important and you can obviously use it in a way that is safe.
So I encourage you all to ask for this document, to use it and to use the website that we’ve put together specifically for Compass pool owners and I’m sure you’ll find it a great tool. Most importantly, enjoy your Compass pool. Give one of the team a call today on 1300 667 445.
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