Do you need a water tank when installing a pool and why is it important to know your pool’s water capacity?
Video transcription: We’re often asked, if I install my pool, will I need a water tank? That is a really good question. As a general rule, pools up to around about ten metres generally don’t need a water tank. As soon as you exceed the ten metre mark which correlates to the number of litres in that pool as a rough rule of thumb, if your pool has more than 40,000 litres of water in it, under the BASIX rules it’s generally required that you install a water tank with your swimming pool.
The other tipping point is not just 40,000 litres, because you could have a pool or a volume of water that is a lot less than 40,000 litres, the other trigger is whether the overall project exceeds $50,000 in cost.
Here is another tip. When you’re thinking about the pool, if you’re just trying to avoid a water tank, and you think, I’ll cut down the size simply so I don’t have to have one, really think about. This is something you are likely to live with for a very long time. Most people who are thinking about installing a pool are not thinking about moving from the house in a couple of years. So you’ll soon forget the little bit of extra money you spent on the water tank in the planning of your pool. This is something that is going to be with you for life. If that means you’ve got a greater swimming area or something that suits your lifestyle better, that’s really what we would suggest is the most important consideration. Give one of the team a call today on 1300 667 445.
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