From now on you can find all our handy videos on one page. Explore technology videos, find out more about planning a pool, pool costs or the fibreglass pool construction process. Learn from our knowledgeable staff and become well informed to make that important decision on buying a pool.
At Compass, we try to provide as much information and knowledge for our customers as possible. Texts and images can be informative, however, sometimes it’s better to see and hear it in the form of a video. We already had a lot of videos on the website, but they were scattered around the site and could not always be accessed readily. From now on, you’ll find more than 30 videos in the dedicated Video Library. You can access it from the main menu under Advice – Video Library.
In the Library, we have organised more than 30 videos into seven categories. At the top, there are five featured technology videos, which explain the hidden advantages that make Compass Pools so much better than other fibreglass pools. In the Planning a Pool section you will learn about considerations that might be important before even deciding to build a pool. Here, an interesting question that many people ask is explained as well: Should you build a pool before the new house is constructed or after it’s built?
Generally, among the many issues that need to be considered, pool cost is the number one. Let our pool planning experts explain to you what affects the cost of a swimming pool and how to prepare your swimming pool budget. When it comes to pool construction, you might like to know how long it takes to build a swimming pool or how to build a future-proof pool. Find these and four other interesting videos in this section.
We deal with swimming pool design and features in the next section of our new Video Library. Find out more about the different pool shapes and sizes available, how to choose a colour for your pool or how to build a freestanding fibreglass pool. In the Why Compass Pools section, we assure you that you won’t regret selecting a Compass fibreglass pool. Are you curious why real estate agents love our pools? You will find out why in another video within this section. Finally, we share insights on swimming pool care in the final section. If you do not know what a hands-free pool is or you still believe that maintaining a pool is hard work, stray into this section of the Video Gallery to be enlightened.
We hope you will enjoy this new multimedia part of our website. We will be more than happy to hear from you – please get in touch with us either by calling 1300 667 445 or contacting your local Compass Pools pool builder.
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