Melbourne – Compass Pools Australia Home of the Self Cleaning Pool Sun, 12 Nov 2023 23:50:16 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Fastlane 24m Custom Length self-cleaning pool & spa combo Quartz, Rye VIC Fri, 13 Nov 2020 05:10:32 +0000 Custom length 25m Fastlane self-cleaning pool and spa combo built by Compass Pools Melbourne in Rye Victoria.

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Fastlane 24m Custom Length self-cleaning pool & spa combo Quartz, Rye VIC

Fastlane custom length lap pool 24m Quartz colour with Vantage self cleaning system 6

You can see why Australian families love our Compass Fastlane lap pool. It’s perfect for an active lifestyle and families, too! Adding a spa to it is also a great way of creating your dream backyard oasis.

Maybe it’s the right time to get your own Compass pool. It’s so easy to start: Get a non-obligatory quote for free from your nearest Compass Pools authorised dealer by clicking on the button below.


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This client had been a surfer all his life and loved swimming. He always wanted a lap pool and was worried about keeping a long pool clean given he couldn’t see how a robotic cleaner could maintain the length. He loved the idea of the self-cleaning pool.

This client had been a surfer all his life and loved swimming. He always wanted a lap pool and was worried about keeping a long pool clean given he couldn’t see how a robotic cleaner could maintain the length. He loved the idea of the self-cleaning pool.

Joining two standards 12.3m Fastlane lap pools

He had a very technical background and was very thorough in his understanding of the different layers of the fibreglass ceramic pool and also how the joins work with the 24 meter lap pool. The pool was designed in 3 pieces with the unique Compass Manufacturing link joining technique which allowed the pool to be built to his desired length.

Central solar heating for house and pool

Interestingly with this project, our client had a German solar heating unit that heated his house and he build his own heat exchanger to tap into this system. This was something we had not seen before.

Designing elements for the pool

He didn’t want a dark blue colour so the more softer blue water from the Quartz was the look he liked. The spa has a Nexus link between the pool and spa and allows for a water bridge between the two.

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Fastlane 12.3 self-cleaning pool Viridian, Dromana VIC Fri, 13 Nov 2020 04:44:51 +0000 Self-cleaning Fastlane 12.3 pool and spa combo with gas and solar heating built by Compass Pools Melbourne in Dromana Victoria.

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Fastlane 12.3 self-cleaning pool Viridian, Dromana VIC

Fastlane 12.3 self cleaning fibreglass pool and spa combo Viridian colour Dromana VIC 2

You can see why Australian families love our Compass Fastlane lap pool. It’s perfect for an active lifestyle and families, too! Adding a spa to it is also a great way of creating your dream backyard oasis.

Maybe it’s the right time to get your own Compass pool. It’s so easy to start: Get a non-obligatory quote for free from your nearest Compass Pools authorised dealer by clicking on the button below.


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This client had horses and she wanted to be able to ride her horses and then come home and jump in the pool or hot spa. She also had a bad back due to a road accident which was why she wanted the pool and the spa.

This client had horses and she wanted to be able to ride her horses and then come home and jump in the pool or hot spa. She also had a bad back due to a road accident which was why she wanted the pool and the spa.

Gas and solar pool heating

She had solar heating as the base heat with a large gas heater for purpose of heating the spa. In the warmer months, it took less than half an hour to get it the desired temperature.

Self-cleaning lap pool

It was very important that it was self-cleaning as she needed a clean pool that did not need physically work. She had to swim to improve her health and the lap pool suited this as well.

Maxi Rib above ground pool installation

It was also a maxi rib pool at house level with the pool sitting out of the ground by 1.2m. The long side of the pool had the maxi rib side clad to the fencing regulations to act as the fence barrier. It wasn’t unusual to be swimming and then look over the edge to see a cow eating the grass 1m away.

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Fastlane 10.3 pool and spa Royal Blue, Berwick VIC Fri, 13 Nov 2020 00:54:54 +0000 Self-cleaning Fastlane 10.3 pool and spa combination with a Sunpod in the Royal Blue colour built by Compass Pools Melbourne.

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Fastlane 10.3 pool and spa Royal Blue, Berwick VIC

Fastlane 10.3 self cleaning pool and spa combo Royal Blue colour Berwick Leongatha 05

You can see why Australian families love our Compass Fastlane lap pool. It’s perfect for an active lifestyle and families, too! Adding a spa to it is also a great way of creating your dream backyard oasis.

Maybe it’s the right time to get your own Compass pool. It’s so easy to start: Get a non-obligatory quote for free from your nearest Compass Pools authorised dealer by clicking on the button below.


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We chose the Nexus edge which allows a small amount of water to create a wet zone between the pool and spa. This makes it look like one body of water. Pool owner, Berwick VIC

We chose the Nexus edge which allows a small amount of water to create a wet zone between the pool and spa. This makes it look like one body of water. Pool owner, Berwick VIC

Why choose a lap pool

The space in this property was not strictly limited but it was quite narrow. The owners could have put in a wider pool, but they wanted the lines to work with their wall and house. They also wanted the spa to look like it was part of the pool and not ‘just added to the end.

Heating the pool

They had a big gas heater for the spa for quick heat up on demand which also allowed them to heat the pool when they wanted. The pool is visible from many areas of the house hence they needed it to be self cleaning so it was always clean.

Choosing a Vivid pool colour

They chose royal blue as they wanted a deeper looking blue colour. They have the pool lights on at night regularly which means it doesn’t matter what colour pool at night it was given the multi colour lights gives them green, magenta, red and several different shades of blue. However, during the day the sun gives the pool different shades of the royal blue, when overcast it is quite a dark blue and then the water colour becomes very radiant when the sun shines. They love the colour. 50 shades of blue they call it.

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Contemporary 8.3 pool and spa Grey Marble, Leongatha VIC Fri, 13 Nov 2020 00:36:17 +0000 Self-cleaning Contemporary 8.3 pool and spa combination in Grey Marble built above the ground in Leongatha.

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Contemporary 8.3 pool and spa Grey Marble, Leongatha VIC

Contemporary 8.3 pool and spa combo grey marble colour Leongatha Victoria 3

Deep in the centre and shallow at both ends – the Contemporary fibreglass pool is perfect for family fun. Thanks to its deepest point in the middle, it’s ideal for games such as volleyball.

Maybe it’s the right time to get your own Compass pool. It’s so easy to start: Get a non-obligatory quote for free from your nearest Compass Pools authorised dealer by clicking on the button below.


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Even in winter in South Gippsland we find ourselves sitting out on the deck in the winter sun looking at the beautiful water – I don’t think we would do that if it was down on the lawn as much. Lyn, Leongatha

Even in winter in South Gippsland we find ourselves sitting out on the deck in the winter sun looking at the beautiful water – I don’t think we would do that if it was down on the lawn as much. Lyn, Leongatha

Lifting the swimming pool to the house level

The pool had to be at the house living level. The deck and pool sit at the kitchen level as the pool is part of their everyday living. It was not just about ease of use but about being able to see the water day and night. The pool lights are on at night and the pool water reflects colour and movement inside and out. Though it cost this client more to have the pool and spa at this height (it is a Maxi rib pool sitting over a meter out of the ground) it was an investment they felt important. They could have reduced their extra build cost (maxi rib pools add $15 – $20,000) by having 7 steps down to the lawn area however it would have affected their view and single living level. It brings the pool zone into the house zone.

Cost-effective gas pool heating

They have an LPG gas heater which they use as secondary heat for the spa (and sometimes a sneaky pool party on a long weekend). Even the LPG gas does not cost a great deal more. ‘Sometimes we find the food costs greater than any gas costs when we have family come over and heat up the pool for a weekend party’

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Fastlane 10.3 Self-cleaning lap pool with spa and beach, Mornington Peninsula VIC Sat, 04 Apr 2020 00:20:20 +0000 Awarded Fastlane 10.3 m long fibreglass lap pool & spa combo with a beach add-on built on a sloping site on the Mornington Peninsula.

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Fastlane 10.3 Self-cleaning lap pool with spa and beach, Mornington Peninsula VIC

10.3 m Fastlane lap pool and spa Mornington Peninsula - Awards for Compass Pools Melbourne

You can see why Australian families love our Compass Fastlane lap pool. It’s perfect for an active lifestyle and families, too! Adding a spa to it is also a great way of creating your dream backyard oasis.

Maybe it’s the right time to get your own Compass pool. It’s so easy to start: Get a non-obligatory quote for free from your nearest Compass Pools authorised dealer by clicking on the button below.


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This fabulous pool and spa combo has all you can dream of. The Fastlane pool is long enough to swim laps comfortably. The X-Trainer spa is attached to the pool, along with the Compass Beach for kids to play in. All complemented by thoughtful landscaping – this is one of the best transformations we’ve witnessed.

Unbelievable transformation

Thanks to thoughtful landscaping, choice of materials and, of course, the best pool & spa combination, this backyard was completely transformed. The 10.3 Fastlane fibreglass pool is long enough to swim laps. It features amazing views of the surroundings thanks to the innovative acrylic wall that has been built, replacing the standard fibreglass wall on the long side of the pool.

Spa, beach and beyond

This is ana amazing place for the whole family. The kids can play in the beach area, attached to the pool. You can also move to the spa and watch others playing in the pool. The pool is built on the sloping site, utilising proprietary Compass Pools Maxi Rib technology, enabling building pools partially or completely above the ground.

3 Gold Spasa Awards

This pool has won multiple 2019 SPASA pool awards of excellence: Best Residential Fibreglass Pool Over – $60,000, Best Residential Fibreglass, Acrylic or Vinyl-Lined Pool and Best Residential Fibreglass, Acrylic, or Vinyl-Lined Pool and Spa Combination.

Turn your backyard into an oasis

If you are thinking of a swimming pool and would like to have a similar one built in your backyard, please fill out the free pool quote request and an authorised Compass Pools dealer nearest to you will provide you with a customised non-obligatory pool quote.

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