Family pool – Compass Pools Australia Home of the Self Cleaning Pool Fri, 08 Sep 2023 21:20:29 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Looking for Staycation ideas? Consider a Swimming Pool! Wed, 24 Feb 2021 00:43:12 +0000 The post Looking for Staycation ideas? Consider a Swimming Pool! appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


While overseas holidays – sipping cocktails in Bali or touring Europe – are on hold, feelings of relaxation and escape can still be found in our own backyards. Read on to find our why installing a Compass Pool is one of the best staycation investments available and how it compares to other staycation ideas that you might (or might have not) considered.ho

Five Reasons a Compass Pool is a great staycation investment

Happy Compass Pool owners keep telling us that relaxing by your own swimming pool can’t be beaten by any other staycation ideas. Why is that?

  1.  Pools can be used any time – you don’t have to plan or pack in advance to use the pool. Throw on your bathers, grab a towel and you’re swim-ready – whatever the Covid alert level.
  2. A sparkling, self-cleaning pool brings visual enjoyment and a sense of relaxation and escape to your property. A well-presented pool can become a real focal point of the home and outdoor dining area.
  3. A pool sits well financially over the long term. Unlike other leisure purchases, which depreciate over time, a pool adds value to your home. A self-cleaning, easy-care pool is also an extremely attractive selling point.
  4. A pool gives you more family time – pools can be enjoyed together – without a screen in sight! While some opt for a more active swim than others, everyone benefits from the refreshment of a cool dip on a hot summer’s day.
  5. Parents will appreciate the ease and entertainment value of a pool. From pre-schoolers to teenagers a Compass Pool offers daily activity and exercise, without having to leave the comfort and safety of home.

Looking for staycation ideas? – A back yard pool might give you those holiday vibes you’ve been looking for!

The global pandemic means Australians are now choosing to staycation at home, and they’re quickly seeking out the most cost-effective ways to enhance their new-look leisure time.

While our flying wings may be clipped, being grounded hasn’t changed anyone’s need for some summer fun and family enjoyment. In fact, the uncertainty of Covid-19 has probably increased our desire for worry-free good times, making memories with the family – anything to take our minds off the pandemic.

There’s nothing like a global event to make us appreciate how quickly life can change. Some of the freedoms we previously took for granted are now gone and new ways of spending our leisure time, closer to home, are being increasingly explored.

With festivals and sporting events being cancelled at short notice, we are all seeking leisure options that won’t leave us disappointed and out of pocket.

With crowds being avoided and some of our favourite restaurants and bars hanging on by a thread, attention is turning to more reliable “Covid-safe’ sources of family fun and relaxation. That’s why searching for staycation ideas has been so popular over the past months.

These kinds of entertainment, in the safety of small groups, are taking the place of public gatherings and anything else that could fall at the mercy of another cluster emerging in the community.

In short, today’s families are seeking out fresh ways to spend the ‘fun’ budget we once allocated to dream trips, work travel or island getaways.

Australia Staycation ideas - own backyard pool

What staycation ideas are proving popular?

For some, this newfound backyard exploration has lured them towards the idea of a caravan or boat to improve their family’s quality of life.  Meanwhile, others are discovering the instant enjoyment and financial benefits of installing a swimming pool in their own backyard.

When relative freedom turns to lockdown overnight, a swimming pool can still be enjoyed unimpeded in your bubble, from the safety of home. Meanwhile, a boat or caravan will be parked up collecting cobwebs – a large investment not providing the leisure time it promised.

Like any home improvement right now, a Compass Pool is one of the few leisure-time investments families can enjoy unaffected by the current Covid alert level.

The property market is booming and any travel funds being diverted towards property, become an investment in your most valuable asset.

For those giving thought to really maximising their leisure spend, a Compass inground fibreglass swimming pool, just a few metres from the lounge, can be one of the smartest and most readily enjoyable leisure choices.

Every day when you come home from work you can choose resort-style living. If the pandemic sees you working from home, you can even take a dip between Zoom meetings!

The kids can jump in after school or swim all weekend with friends. A pool is also a great way to keep them fresh and focussed while their parent’s offer their best efforts at home-schooling. Other staycation ideas can also be appealing but it’s hard to beat the opportunity to enjoy your backyard pool every single day.

Pool owners are often busy and time poor. What leisure time they do have they want to spend in the pool or relaxing next to it – not cleaning or maintaining it.

With a Compass self-cleaning Pool you can come home to a fresh, clean, healthy pool, without having to do any hard work or annoying ‘maintenance jobs’ before you get in and play.

You can spend your weekends relaxing poolside with family and friends, and you don’t have to lift a finger to get there.

If you’re thinking about re-directing your leisure spend towards a significant purchase, why not pick the option that offers instant, reliable, low maintenance fun, while also making sense financially.

Yes a caravan allows you to explore more of your home country, but for busy families the somewhat romanticised idea of these trips requires a lot of planning, preparation, and the dreaded packing.

Caravan or boating adventures also rely on Covid alert levels allowing the freedom to travel freely between cities and states.

Elderly family members or parents of children with underlying health conditions also need to feel confident it is safe to venture beyond their immediate community.

The demands of 21st century work schedules haven’t stopped for the pandemic and planning a weekend away, organising the pets, packing food and clothing for the family before hitting the road can be a stress-inducing exercise.

Despite the best intentions at time of purchase, it’s unlikely families will get daily, even weekly enjoyment, from a caravan or boat.

A pool is an investment in quality time spent with family. Five minutes prep time and both children and parents are away from their screens and interacting together in the pool.

Not everyone has to be in the pool at one time either. Mum or Dad can be entertaining the children while the other cooks dinner – or puts their feet up with a glass of wine poolside!

Staycation in your backyard - dinner by the swimming pool

A Compass Pool is smart way to spend your vacation or “staycation” budget while also investing in the value of your home.

Easy and unrestricted enjoyment of a Compass Pool are not the only major benefits over purchases like boats and caravans.  The life cycle of depreciation for a boat or caravan begins the moment you tow it off the yard. Buying at the height of the market is also unlikely to see you re-coup these costs once the Covid demand has calmed and the borders re-open.

Alternatively, when you install a Compass Pool you’re actually adding to the most significant asset you own – your home.

A swimming pool in the backyard is not only great for your leisure time, it’s also a plus for your wallet. These days pools are high up on the wish list when people are buying their new homes. While you get to enjoy your staycation now, you’re going to get financial returns down the track by making your home more attractive to future buyers.

At the upper end of the property market buyers will seek out family homes with pools – provided they are well designed, bathed in sunshine and have appealing fences and landscaping. If you buy a good quality fibreglass pool there is very little maintenance required once the asset is in the ground (especially if that pool has the Vantage self-cleaning and circulation system!).

You don’t have to re-surface them, you don’t have to re-paint them and if you keep the water balanced, they will look good for many, many years to come.

Alternatively, caravans and boats come with costly and time-consuming annual maintenance and servicing. Every use requires time to prepare, book time off and pack up. Returning means unloading, cleaning and maintenance to keep enjoying the asset and maintain its value.

Paradise at home staycation loved by the whole family 1

The benefits of installing a Compass Pool are clear:

  • You can use it every day – no preparation required. Options are also available to extend your swimming season by using a solar cover or heat pump to warm the water in cooler temperatures.
  • No preparation or effort is required – just change into your bathers and jump in. Compass Pools are self-cleaning and low maintenance. You don’t have to spend hours keeping them looking great – just start swimming.
  • Your investment gets a return because you’re adding to the value and appeal of your property.

It’s important to remember – not just any pool will do the job. An entry level pool may not age well, putting potential buyers off if they consider it high maintenance or expensive to run.

Check out some of these self-cleaning Compass Pools installations by our authorised Compass Pool dealers.

Researching staycation ideas? Happy Compass self-cleaning pool owners will tell you that having a pool installed was one of the est decision they’ve made.

Self-cleaning Compass Pools tick all the boxes:

  • They are easy to look after.
  • They are low cost to run.
  • Have a transferable warranty – so the risk is minimised for any future property owner.

All of the above make our self-cleaning pools great to own now and more attractive to future buyers when you go to sell your home.

In a country famous for stunning beaches, a pool is a great family asset for children learning lifelong swimming skills.

For parents of teenagers it’s a sure fire way to ensure you know where your children are and what they are up to. Installing a Compass Pool means a lifetime of easy enjoyment for you and your family – both during the season of pandemic staycations, and far beyond.

Look at the pictures of some of the Compass pool installations you might also find inspiring:

Looking at staycation ideas? What about having one of these Compass Pools in your backyard?

Does buying a pool sound like the lifestyle choice you’re looking for?

If you’re ready to start your backyard staycation contact Compass Pools today. Their friendly teams across Australia and New Zealand will help you find the right size and style pool to best enhance your property. Enjoy quality time with your family now and for years to come.

The post Looking for Staycation ideas? Consider a Swimming Pool! appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

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How to Pick the Perfect Pool That Will Grow With Your Kids Tue, 31 Dec 2019 00:11:38 +0000 For any kid, it's hard to beat the fun that comes with having their very own kids pool in their backyard. But how do you pick out the best family or kids pool in Australia? What criteria do you want to keep in mind, and what are some essential features to amp up the fun? We’ll outline all of these things in this pool advice article.

The post How to Pick the Perfect Pool That Will Grow With Your Kids appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

For any kid, it’s hard to beat the fun that comes with having their very own kids pool in their backyard. They can play for hours at a time, enjoy the gorgeous Australian summer heat and have a blast with their friends. With so many pools for kids on the market, how do you pick out the best family or kids pool in Australia? What criteria do you want to keep in mind, and what are some essential features to amp up the fun? We’ll outline all of these things below.

What is a Kids Pool?

A family or kids pool is a pool that typically features a shallow area where your kids can freely play without worrying about straying into water that is too deep for them. The beach entrance is a design where the pool starts shallow and gradually gets deeper the further you walk in. Another option is to add a shallow area like a sun pod that directly connects to the deeper pool. Your kids can play in this shallow area while adults and older kids enjoy the other parts of the pool.

Benefits of Installing Pools for Kids

The right kids’ pool comes with a host of benefits for everyone in the family. During the hot Australian summer months, your entire family can enjoy your pool every day. They’ll have fun and enjoy the various benefits, including:

  • Stay Cool – One of the most obvious perks of having a kids pool is that the kids can jump in and beat the heat. Having a pool in your backyard lets your kids take a quick dip any time of day they want, and they get the privacy they won’t get in public pools.
  • Gathering Place – Pools create a natural gathering place for all of your kids, friends and family. Your kids can host pool parties and invite all of their friends over for a day in the water. Adults can sit in the shade and talk while the kids play safely in the water. Pools are a great way to have several kids over at the same time while keeping them entertained.
  • Fun Way to Exercise – Water provides a place for low-impact exercise. Your kids feel almost weightless in the water, and they can easily play for hours at a time without getting tired. Even better, they can exercise without even realising they’re doing it!
  • Lends Tranquility – The kid’s pool adds a little tranquillity to your home or backyard. You’ll be able to sit out and enjoy the sun sparkling on the water and the soft hum of the pool pump. Additionally, a pool can soften the edges of your yard and help pull all of your design elements together to create a cohesive space.
  • Saves Money – While it can be more expensive upfront to install and maintain kids pools in Australia, it’ll save money in the long run. Instead of packing your entire family up and going to the beach for a day out, you can head to the backyard. You could even have a staycation and plan fun pool-related activities over those long school breaks.
  • Adds Home Value – Any pool will give your home curb appeal. It’ll also cause your home’s value to go up when you install it. If you plan to sell your home at one point, a pool can be a massive bonus for the potential buyer, especially if they have kids or plan to start a family.
  • Family Investment – The correct kids’ pool can be an excellent investment for your family. When your kids grow up, leave and start their own families, they can come back to your house with their kids. Your grandkids will love to go to grandma and grandpa’s house to splash around in the pool on those warm afternoons.
  • Encourages Social Interaction – Your kids must learn social skills when they’re little, and a pool is a great gathering place. Your kids can hang out, interact and play games with their friends and family. Plus, having a kids pool makes your home the destination gathering place for all of your kid’s friends. It’s like having a playground at home.
Benefits of Installing Pools for Kids Encourages Social Interaction

Fun Features to Add to Your Kid’s Pool in Australia

You don’t want to have a pool with a single depth for your kids like you would with adults. Additionally, the more fun features you add, the more your kid’s imaginations will run. For example, a sun pod gives them an excellent place to sit down and play with the jets, and they cause spouts of water to shoot up into the sky. These water spouts are particularly fun for smaller kids who will have fun trying to stop the spouts.

A water wall is another popular idea. Your kids can pretend they’re mermaids playing under the waterfall. Since it runs at a slower pace, it’s safe for your kids to play around without fear of the water pushing them under or splashing them. A spa gives your older kids an area to relax with their friends, and your younger kids can use it to warm up between dips in the bigger pool.

Maybe you want warmer water because you plan to have smaller kids in the pool. If so, heating elements can help you get precision control over your pool’s temperature. Solar energy, gas and electric heating are all available, and the one you choose for your kid’s pool will depend on when you plan to use it, how often you plan to use your pool and more.

Benches are entertaining areas you can add to the sides of your pool to give your kids a shallow place to hang out and play. You can choose from a few different depths and sizes. Maybe you want a bench that runs along the side of your pool, or you want a few smaller areas placed around your pool at intervals. These spaces are great alternatives that don’t take away from the pool’s swimming areas.

If you plan to teach your kids to swim in your pool, adding learn to swim steps is excellent. Broader and more shallow steps are better for kids pools than short and deep. You want your kid to gradually walk into the water and feel comfortable rather than step off into a surprising depth that could scare them.

Maybe you want to create an area where both your bigger and smaller kids can play comfortably. If so, you can install a larger pool and add a wader or pond. These areas are very shallow spaces attached to the deeper pool. Adults can sunbathe, smaller kids can play comfortably and safely, and older kids can have a blast playing in the deeper water.

LED lights can add a whimsical touch to your kid’s pool that can make it fun for your kids to swim after dusk. You can even combine these in-pool lights with a string or two of fairy lights around the edge of the pool to create a fantasy land for your kids to play in.

Jets are fun for your kid pool. They’ll spurt water out into the pool and give your kids a fun element to play around. They can even practice their swimming and see how well they do when the jets switch on. For adults, these areas can provide short bursts of hydrotherapy that help relax their muscles while they watch their kids play.

Finally, you want to think of the colour scheme in your kid’s pool. The pool should look inviting and safe, and colour plays a significant role. For example, bright and vivid colours may be a better choice instead of darker colours. Your kid should be able to easily see the bottom and every corner of the pool before they go in. Being able to see everything gives both you and your children peace of mind.

Compass Pools Australia Perfect pool for the kids Pool with waterfeatures

Should You Pick an In-Ground or Above-Ground Kids Pool?

Before you decide on an in-ground or above-ground setup, consider a few things. The cost, size and longevity are three significant points you have to keep in mind when you shop. They include:

  • Average Cost – In-ground fibreglass pools can cost between $30,000 and $70,000 to buy and install while cheaper above-ground pools typically cost between $4,000 to $12,000. For the above-ground pools, this estimate doesn’t include a deck, landscaping around it, or plumbing and electrical work. However, there are also high-quality and great-looking alternatives available. For example, Little Pools are ready-to-use fibreglass pools that look great and are perfect for families with kids.
  • Size – Both above- and in-ground fibreglass pools can be large or small. However, the above-ground pool usually comes with a single depth while you can have sloping depths with in-ground pools.
  • Longevity – If you choose a fibreglass pool that is above-ground, in-ground or partially in-ground, you’ll get the same lifespan. Most fibreglass pools can last well over 20 years as long as you maintain them as the pool manufacturer recommends. Vinyl kids pools are cheaper, but they only last between five and nine years, even with proper maintenance.

Design Ideas for Kid Pools

Compass Pools has family pool designs available that give you a classic look while meeting all of your needs. The Contemporary pool line is excellent for kids pools because it has very shallow ends for smaller kids with deeper centres for bigger kids. Both ends have benches, and there are larger and broader steps that allow your kids to ease into the water and sit down.

Another option is the Vogue pool, and you can choose several different sizes to fit your space requirements. This pool has a ledge around the edges where your kids can sit and ease their way into the water. An anti-slip coating on the steps makes this pool safer for the entire family to enjoy without fear of slipping or falling.

If you plan to use your backyard for a lot of entertaining, you can add a shaded area or patio close to your pool. This way, you can entertain your guests while your kids play in the pool under your supervision. This setup also makes it easy to host pool parties or family gatherings because your kids don’t have to go far to eat or drink before heading back to the pool.

One thing your pool has to have, especially if it’s for kids, is fencing. You have to fence your pool off around all sides. This fence will keep everyone safe when they’re playing in the yard and not in the pool or if a neighboring child winds up in your yard when you’re not present. You have to be careful what objects you put by your fencing as well, your kids can’t use them to climb over the fence and play in the water when you’re not around to supervise them. Your gate should have a secure latch that your kids can’t reach.

Vogue fibreglass pool great for kids

Things to Consider When You Pick Out Your Kids Pool

If you’re seriously considering a kids pool, there are a few things you want to keep in mind when you shop. They include:

  • Budget – Make a budget and stick to it. You want to get the best kid’s pool possible without breaking the bank.
  • Maintenance – How much time do you have to dedicate to maintenance? Pools for kids need maintenance to keep the water clear and the pool swim-ready. As a general rule, fibreglass pools are more straightforward to take care of than other types. And if you select Compass Pools, you can get a self-cleaning pool that requires (almost) no maintenance.
  • Space – How much space do you have in your backyard for your pool? Remember that you have to have space for the deck or surface at the edge. You also want to be able to move around your yard once we install the pool.
  • Use – Since this will be a family or kids pool, they’re usually more extensive. You want enough room for all of your planned activities.

Visit Your Local Compass Pools Dealer Today!

We invite you to stop by our nearest showroom and discuss your options for your new kid’s pool in Australia. You can request your free quote by finding the closest dealer or calling us on 1300 667 445! We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post How to Pick the Perfect Pool That Will Grow With Your Kids appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

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Stunning and affordable backyard pool design ideas Tue, 11 Jun 2019 22:12:52 +0000 How to make the best decision about the design of pool which will fit your backyard beautifully and give it the ambience you crave? Read on to find out what questions you need to ask before you select your plan, and to understand what the go-to pool designs are right now.

The post Stunning and affordable backyard pool design ideas appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


Setting out on your pool design project is an exciting time…finally your dream is becoming a reality! But you are likely to have all sorts of questions to ask and choices to make before making your final decision about the design of pool which will fit your backyard beautifully and give it the ambience you crave. Read on to find out what questions you need to ask before you select your plan, and to understand what the go-to pool designs are right now.

Planning is key

First of all, planning is key. There are many considerations to take into account before you settle on a pool design, as well as lots of questions to ask!

Let’s start with the basics: what is the ground like in your backyard? If it’s a level surface, then you are on to a winner, as constructing an in-ground or above ground pool should be possible.

If your property is set on sloping land or a hillside, or a particularly rocky or uneven surface, you may think that you face a challenge. But do not despair – above ground pools are perfect for this situation. A fibreglass shell for an above ground pool, for example, can be installed securely on this type of terrain. Here, Compass Pool Australia’s Maxi Rib technology comes into its own, providing a strong and durable structure ideal for this situation.

Next, think about where you plan to position your pool within your plot. Many pool owners go for central positioning to make their pool the centre of attention. Others will place it near to their house, to create a seamless transition from house to backyard to pool. Of course, you may also need to think about how your pool installer will access your backyard and how this can affect positioning.

Finally, give some thought to how you intend to use your pool. There are some great options for families, such as the lap pool with its wide, easy access ledges, that are ideal for children or not so confident swimmers. Of course, the primary function of a lap pool is to provide unobstructed lap swimming, so this is a highly versatile option for many families.

If your backyard is particularly compact, a plunge pool could be a good option for you. These small, deep pools take up the minimum of space but still provide an environment for gentle exercise, or when customised with jets, can double up as a spa.

Great design of the extra length Fastlane lap pool with a spa attached

What happens next?

Onto the final stages of preparation before you can really get stuck into your backyard design ideas.

Get in touch with your local council to find out about approval requirements, and check out your site map to find out whether there are any cables or pipes running underneath your pool area.

You will also need to avail yourself of the safety regulations for your area, which you will be able to find on your local building authority website.

Once you have gathered some pool ideas, get in touch with your local authorised Compass Pools Australia pool builder, who will be able to efficiently install your above ground pool with the minimum of hassle.

Best small courtyard design ideas

When it comes to courtyard designs, size certainly shouldn’t matter. In fact, if your backyard comprises a small courtyard then you have plenty of scope to create a wonderful oasis incorporating a tranquil pool.

Given your courtyard’s compact dimensions, the ideal pool design for you is a plunge pool. This small, deep pool will allow you space to swim, exercise and relax. Available as in-ground or above ground options, they are a versatile way to achieve your dream of having a pool in a small space.

If you have a modern-build house, a contemporary, straight-edged design could be for you. Surrounding tiling in neutral tones will enhance the fresh, modern feel to this design. Opt for some leafy plants in pots placed at intervals around your pool for a really luxe look – try palms and hibiscus for a really lush feel.

Good small backyard designs also take into account proximity to your neighbour’s property. There are lots of clever features you can incorporate to give your pool area a more private feel. If your pool area is right up against your neighbour’s perimeter, an elevated deck, for instance, can detract the eye from their fence or wall and provide an attractive view and a feeling of spaciousness.

Plunge pools suggest luxury, so why not recreate a spa look in your courtyard? Place comfy seating around the edges of your pool, and keep the colour scheme of surrounding tiling neutral and calming. You can even add jets to your pool to make it into a sumptuous experience.

For a soft, appealing look, opt for a plunge pool shell with a rounded edge. The 4.5 Courtyard model by Compass Pools Australia is made for this look. When it comes to landscaping, you can really indulge your imagination here. Go for romantic, flower-bearing plants around your pool area such as agapanthus and bromeliad for colour and structure. Add height with grasses or bamboo, and mix in features such as rocks and natural materials to complete the wild, romantic look.

Small courtyard designs with plunge pool

Best contemporary ideas

If cool and contemporary is your style, there are endless pool designs you can choose from.

For this kind of look, you’ll find that shape is key. Clean, straight lines work really well to convey an up-to-the-minute look, best epitomised by the infinity pool. These ideal pools trick the eye into thinking that your pool goes on forever, creating a feeling of freedom and luxury. You may be surprised to learn that infinity pools are achievable small backyard designs, as even a small rectangular pool can provide the basis for this stunning look.

The lap pool is another design that is rapidly gaining popularity. As their name suggests, they are suitable for swimming laps and are long and narrow in shape. Compass Pools Australia offers a number of lap pool designs, for example, the Fastlane, the X-Trainer, and the Vogue. You can complement this clean and stunning design with a water feature emptying directly into the pool or a deck with glass surround for an ultra-modern look.

Another way to incorporate a modern vibe into your pool design is to create a sleek seating area adjacent to your pool. You can achieve this with decking, or with clean, neutral tiles. Add some comfortable seating with cushions in accent colours, some strategic lighting and even a fire pit for warmth and focus, and you have a desirable, modern look for your backyard which will be the envy of your neighbours!

Pool design ideas pool with glass wall and a water wall water feature

Best family pool ideas

When you think of a classic swimming pool, images of lazy summer days spent with the family splashing about and having fun spring to mind.

Create a classic swimming pool look with a family pool from Compass Pools. Their Contemporary pool shell is perfect for all the family, providing depth in the centre and shallow areas at both ends – great for pool games. Large steps and bench seating at both ends means the pool is fully accessible for all the family. From 8.3 to 10.9 metres, this model is good for a medium-sized garden.

If you are tight for space, there are also plenty of options for small backyard ideas. The Vogue model comes in a range of sizes, with the smallest measuring 7.15 x 3.0m. It also boasts a step ledge where kids can rest, a perimeter rail to provide support and anti-slip steps and flooring for safety.

Make the surrounding area appealing for all the family with some effective pool landscaping ideas. Deck jets add fun and excitement to your pool area. They are jets fixed on the decking next to your pool creating jets of water that spurt into the pool. You can even backlight them for some extra fun after dark!

You can also have fun with coloured lights around the pool, or strings of fairy lights around your decking area to create a magical atmosphere.

A covered lounge area overlooking your pool is also fantastic for all the family to use. Providing shade and a place to rest, this is a wonderful resource for families with small children. And once they get that little bit bigger, mum and dad can supervise them from the comfort of their lounger!

Of course, if your pool is intended for small children’s use, you will need to be ultra-aware of safety regulations. You will require fencing on all sides, and beyond the fencing, there has to be a safety zone of 900 mm minimum around the pool. You mustn’t place any large objects there which could be used by children to climb over the fence.

The Riviera fibreglass pool is popular with Australian families

Best nature-inspired ideas

Nature lovers can really run wild with their passion when it comes to planning a swimming pool.

Even a small plunge or courtyard pool can be landscaped to reflect a wonderfully natural look to it. Fill in the surrounding area with rocks and gravel, planting grasses or succulents in the spaces in between to give an impression of an organically created environment.

For a truly stunning look, add a waterfall that empties into the pool, mimicking something you may stumble across in the natural world. You could go for a rocky waterfall, which will look as natural as possible as the water trickles between the nooks and crannies. Or, for the more ambitious, what about an infinity waterfall? This links two levels of pools so that the upper level cascades into the lower one, creating movement and interest. This is a great small backyard idea as it makes the most of space going upwards when surface area is at a premium.

Planting the adjacent garden area with specimens that attract birds, insects and butterflies is another way to feel at one with nature while you are relaxing in your pool. Acacia attracts butterflies and insects, while the pods provide food for seed-eating birds. The luscious blooms of the New South Wales Waratha will attract birds in abundance to your pool area, while the Red Flowering Gum flowers exude nectar making beautiful exotic birds such as parrots flock to it in droves. Plant rice flower bushes too, which will add structure and shape to your wildlife area and attract colourful butterflies.

Natural pool design with stones and plants used in pool landscaping

The final word

Whichever look you go for, it’s a good idea to start planning way before you want your pool installed. Use Pinterest to capture and sort pools by design, and see if you go and see some examples of pools to get an idea about what might work for you. Above all, enjoy the planning stages and remain open-minded as to what design would work for your backyard…you may be surprised at what inspiration you find!

Would you like to explore more pool design ideas?

Head to our pool gallery to see pool projects completed by authorised Compass Pools dealers.

The post Stunning and affordable backyard pool design ideas appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

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Pool Landscaping: Everything You Need to Know Sat, 15 Dec 2018 23:49:22 +0000 The post Pool Landscaping: Everything You Need to Know appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


Having a swimming pool built in your backyard is an exciting move, and it provides you with a wonderful design feature which adds aesthetic value as well as functionality to your property. But getting your pool landscaping right takes care and consideration, as it can make all the difference to the appearance and usability of your pool.

Here’s everything you need to know about pool landscaping, and why it matters so much.

What is good pool landscaping and why is it important?

Pool landscaping refers to the design of the area around your swimming pool. This includes choices such as paving, fencing, furniture, lighting and plants, all of which can enhance the design of your pool and add to its functionality and safety.

A well-landscaped pool area will take into consideration the ways in which it will be used, so that it fulfils all your swimming, relaxation and entertainment needs, as well as being beautiful to look at from both outside and inside the home. By getting the landscaping right, you can make your pool the centrepiece of a stunning backyard which caters for your lifestyle and is attractive in daylight and at night-time, all year round.

Good pool landscaping can even increase the value of your property. A swimming pool can be an attractive feature for prospective home buyers, but they are much more likely to view it positively if it looks well-cared for and if the area functions well. If they see a well-maintained, beautifully designed backyard, this immediately makes them think you have taken great care of the property, so they will be more inclined to offer a higher price. They are also more likely to fall in love with your property at first sight – and first impressions count!

Because of these important factors, pool landscaping is something you need to consider carefully when planning your pool. Here are some essential tips for getting it right.

1. Build your landscaping around the pool

Your pool is the most expensive element of your backyard, so it should be the centrepiece of your yard’s design. It is important to choose a pool design which suits the architectural style of your home, so that when the construction and landscaping are complete, your entire property will look like a perfectly unified whole. There are many different pool designs to consider: rectangular or round, straight edges or curved, or even a custom design for a truly unique feature. Looking at the style of your home will enable you to make the best decision about the right pool design for you.

The design of your pool will dictate many important elements of your landscaping. For example, the tiling you choose around the pool area should coordinate well with the colour you have selected for your pool’s interior. Remember, the colour of the pool water will appear to change from day to day, depending on the light and the weather conditions, so it can be a good idea to keep a few samples next to the pool for a few days to see which tiling works best in different conditions.

Your pool design will also determine the type and positioning of lighting you need around the pool area, to highlight the pool itself as a standout feature, and make the whole space highly functional and attractive after dark. The right lighting can truly bring your landscaping design to life, so it is worth talking to a specialist about the different effects that can be achieved.

By making your pool the main element of your landscaping design, you can build a space which meets all your usage needs and looks beautiful from all angles, at all times of day and night, and in all conditions.

2. Consider the size and shape of your backyard

A good pool landscaping design will make the best possible use of the available space. If you have a smaller backyard, the pool is likely to take up the majority of the space, so an extremely efficient design is needed. Don’t go overboard on the fixtures and fittings, as too many bulky items can make the space look cluttered. Your design will be more attractive and a lot more functional if you leave more open space.

Allowing plenty of space is key whatever the size and shape of your backyard. Your poolside should be a place where you can relax with family and friends, so the design needs to keep this in mind.

Remember also that you will be looking at your pool landscaping every day for many years to come. The design needs to look good from inside your home as well as outside. Make sure that the pool is in a position which looks attractive through your windows, and that the landscaping is planned to give you advantageous views from the house. Looking out over a beautiful backyard will make you more inclined to spend more time outdoors and get the most out of your pool!

3. Put safety first

Putting safety first is essential when planning your pool landscaping. By law, you must have pool fencing which meets Australian Standard AS 1926. This stipulates that you must have a fence or barrier of at least 1.2 metres high all around your pool, so that the pool cannot be accessed directly from your home. This fencing must also be surrounded by a Non-Climbable Zone of 900mm on all sides, so there must be no large objects within this zone which a child could climb to get over the fence.

Because of this, you need to consider the positioning of your poolside furniture very carefully. Objects such as chairs and tables must not be placed within the Non-Climbable Zone, so you must ensure your landscaping allows enough space for this.

You should also think about the practicality of supervising children in the pool. Even if you don’t have children, you could decide to sell your home one day, and potential buyers will be looking for a design which is as child-friendly as possible. Your landscaping should keep all lines of sight as clear as possible, so that children can easily be supervised from all angles while they are in the pool.

4. Think about your entertainment needs

A backyard pool has a wide variety of uses. It’s great for health, fitness and relaxation, but it can also provide you with an ideal entertainment area, especially during the summer months, when pool parties and barbeques provide the perfect settings for catching up with friends. This means you will need to think about your entertainment needs when planning your pool landscaping.

A paved area with seating is a great advantage, and this needs to be large enough so that everyone can feel comfortable and relaxed at your gatherings. You might also want to think about cooking facilities. These can range from a simple barbeque to a full outdoor kitchen with an oven, grill, sink and even a fridge, so you can still be part of the action even while you are preparing the food for everyone.

If you are serving food, it also makes sense to provide tables, so your guests can comfortably eat outdoors. You will need to think about the right amounts of fixtures and furniture to fit within the space, and consider the styles you like, to create a poolside area which is a relaxing and attractive area for entertaining.

5. Talk to your family

You and your family are going to be using the pool more than anyone else, so the landscaping design needs to be carried out with all of your specific objectives in mind. What will make the space as relaxing as possible for you and your loved ones? Does the design offer peace and privacy? Is there sufficient space for the kids to play?

You might want to include elements such as outdoor lounges for comfort, or even a pool house where everyone can get changed after using the pool, to save dripping water through the house.

All of these elements need to be discussed with those who are going to be using the pool regularly, so it is important to talk about the landscaping with your family while you are planning your design. They might have considered some factors which you have not thought of, so everyone’s ideas need to be heard. This way you will create a highly functional space which works well for everyone.

6. Plan the aesthetics

Once you have established the functional elements of your pool landscaping design, you then need to think about the aesthetics. You will get much more satisfaction from your pool if the landscaping looks attractive from inside and outside the pool.

The design of your pool area needs to take the surroundings into account. One of the most enjoyable aspects of swimming is feeling as if you are part of nature while you are in the water, so you need to think about the natural forms you want to see around you. Some pool owners choose to create a forest-like effect by adding rockeries, ferneries and water features, to make it feel as if you are swimming in a secluded lake. However, you may prefer a more modern, streamlined look, with a few planters dotted around the poolside area to add some subtle natural touches.

Again, you can take inspiration from the architectural style of your home, and the plants that grow in your backyard and your neighbourhood. Choosing the right plants will make all the difference to the overall look and feel of your pool area. It will also influence other elements such as your lighting design.

Selected Pool Landscaping Ideas

Want more advice about pool landscaping?

The most important thing about your pool landscaping design is that you like it. Your backyard is one of the most critical elements of your property, so it should reflect your personality, lifestyle and tastes. This way you can continue to enjoy it for many years to come.

However, pool landscaping is a difficult thing to plan, especially if you have no previous experience. Most new pool owners appreciate a little help when planning the design of their poolside areas. If you would like some more advice, the team at Compass Pools Australia are always happy to help. Please contact us for more information.

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Swimming Pools in Sydney: What You Need to Know Before You Buy Wed, 17 Oct 2018 00:14:27 +0000 Swimming pools are extremely popular in Sydney backyards, and it’s easy to see why. Before you buy a swimming pool, there are some major factors to consider. This guide will take you through everything you need to know about pools in Sydney to help you make the right choice.

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Swimming pools are extremely popular in Sydney backyards, and it’s easy to see why. A pool offers a great way to stay fit and healthy, relax with family and friends, and enjoy the wonderful Sydney climate for many months of the year.

But before you buy a swimming pool, there are some major factors to consider. This guide will take you through everything you need to know about pools in Sydney to help you make the right choice.

What Are the Laws and Regulations for Pools in Sydney?

Planning laws are set by your local council, so you need to check with them to find out what the approval requirements are for swimming pools in your area. You should also request a copy of your site plan to find out if any essential cables such as water pipes run underneath the ground in the area where you want to position your pool.

If there are any power lines located over your planned pool site, you should check with your local electricity authority or Transgrid before your pool building work starts.

Some trees in areas of Sydney are protected by preservation orders, so you may need to contact your local council to check whether or not you are allowed to cut down any trees to build your pool.

Do Swimming Pools in Sydney Need to Meet Safety Standards?

The safety standards for pools in Sydney are all related to pool fencing. Your fencing must comply with the Pool Safety Standard AS1926.1 – 2012, according to NSW laws. All pool fences must be at least 1.2 metres tall from the ground, and your pool gate must be self-closing and self-latching. It also has to open away from the pool.

Any large objects, such as chairs, pot plants, or barbeques, that a child could climb on to get over the pool fencing must be located at least 90cm away from your pool fences. This is something you will need to consider when planning your pool landscaping.

How Does the Sydney Climate Affect Swimming Pools?

We are lucky in Sydney to enjoy a pleasant climate for most of the year. The summer months can be extremely hot, so having a pool in your backyard is ideal, as it offers you a convenient way to cool down!

However, the hot season often ends abruptly, with thunderstorms and strong winds causing a sudden drop in temperatures. The coastal areas tend to have more rain and wind all year round than the CBD and inner-city suburbs, but these conditions can affect any part of Sydney.

This means that, if you want to enjoy your pool in the spring and autumn as well as the summer, you should consider a heating system for your pool. Solar heating is the most popular type of pool heating in Sydney, as there is enough sunshine here most of the year to heat your pool to a comfortable temperature. This is also the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly method available.

Another factor to consider when planning a pool in Sydney is the condition of the ground where your pool will be built. It might be worth getting a geotechnical survey before you start. This will show any rocks or unstable soil which could complicate your pool installation process.

What Are the Most Popular Types of Pools in Sydney?

The right type of pool for you will depend on your individual circumstances and what your pool will be used for. Generally speaking, there are three types of swimming pools in Sydney that are more popular than the rest.

1. Family Pools

These are large pools, generally measuring an average of 8m x 4m. Family pools offer plenty of swimming space, and often have varying depths to facilitate games in the water.

As you might expect, another defining characteristic of a family pool is the number of safety features it contains. Family pools tend to have non-slip surfaces, wide steps, and ledges around the perimeters for the kids to hang onto. They often also contain generous seating areas.

2. Lap Pools

Lap pools are designed for more serious swimmers to practice swimming laps. Longer and narrower than family pools, they are rectangular in shape, with a clear, unobstructed swimming lane. The sides of the pool are straight rather than angled, and the steps take up only a minimal amount of space.

3. Plunge Pools

Plunge pools are becoming increasingly popular in smaller backyards. Measuring on average 3m x 2m, they are much smaller pools, so they are ideal for areas such as the inner-city suburbs, where backyards are also smaller.

However, a plunge pool is still larger than a spa, and it offers a great way to relax, while still having a small space for swimming. Plunge pools can also be highly attractive design features.

Other types of pool are gradually becoming more popular in Sydney. For example, many people now want to combine the flexibility of a swimming pool with the benefits of hydrotherapy, so they are choosing a pool and spa combination.

Infinity pools are also increasing in popularity, particularly in more hilly areas. The “disappearing edge” enables you to feel like part of the scenery as you swim, offering stunning views over the surrounding area.

The type of pool you choose will depend on the size and shape of your backyard, and the purposes you want to use it for.

What Makes a Reputable Pool Builder?

Pool owners in Sydney are covered by a variety of laws that pool builders must adhere to. It is important for you to have some knowledge of these laws to make sure you are choosing a reputable builder who is operating legally.

Any building work in Sydney costing more than $5,000 must be carried out by a licenced swimming pool builder. Licences are issued by NSW Fair Trading, and your pool builder must be prepared to show you their licence. The name on the licence has to be exactly the same as the name on the contract for the work being done.

If your pool installation is costing more than $20,000, your pool builder needs to provide you with a certificate of insurance under the Home Building Compensation Fund. The period of cover must include the construction time and all warranty periods.

Before any work begins, make sure you get a detailed quote from your pool builder so you know exactly what costs will be involved before the building work starts. You also need to study the terms of the warranty carefully to check that it gives you the required levels of protection. Last but not least, try to view some of the builder’s previous work to make sure it meets the standards you expect.

Find an Experienced Pool Builder in Sydney

If you would like to find out more about swimming pools in Sydney or want to contact a reputable pool builder, Compass Pools can help. We have two authorised pool builders located in the Greater Sydney region who will be happy to speak with you in more detail and help you find the right swimming pool for you.

Pool Builder for Sydney South

Local Pools and Spas is a family business servicing South Sydney. Established in 1988, the company is highly experienced at installing pools in backyards of all shapes and sizes. For more information, speak to Justin and Renee Magro.

Here are some of the pool projects in Sydney that Local Pools and Spas have completed:

Pool Builder for Sydney North

Compass Pools Sales Centre Sydney services the North Sydney and Central Coast and West Coast areas. The highly specialist team here have been building pools for over 10 years. They also enjoy great relationships with local tradespeople for pool surrounds, fencing, and landscaping. Recently moved home in North Sydney? Get in touch with your North Sydney Compass Pool dealers to start talking about your dream pool.

Here are some of the pool projects in Sydney that Compass Pools Sydney – Central Coast – West  Coast have completed:

If you would like to know more about any of the pools we manufacture, please contact us. We are always happy to help.

The post Swimming Pools in Sydney: What You Need to Know Before You Buy appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

X-Trainer 8.2 Mon, 11 Dec 2017 23:12:43 +0000 X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool is the number one option for many families. It’s great both for fitness and fun – with an unobstructed swimming corridor, a place for kids to rest and a shallow to deep floor. The X-Trainer pool has wide steps on both ends for easy entry and features slip-resistant steps and floor.

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Fibreglass Swimming Pool Badge - X-Trainer

X-Trainer 8.2

The X-Trainer was designed for fitness and fun. Its rectangular shape suits contemporary architecture and offers you infinite style options. This pool is 8.2m long and 4.2m wide.

Pool 3D Representation

X-Trainer fibreglass pool 3D representation

X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool is the number one option for many families. It’s great both for fitness and fun – with an unobstructed swimming corridor, a place for kids to rest and a shallow to deep floor.

Some shapes in X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool range may differ from the 3D design shown. Check the 2D shape outline below for specific design detail.

Swimming Pool Specifications

8.2m 4.2m 1.09m 1.75m

Compass Pools Australia Fibreglass Swimming Pools Shapes - X-Trainer 8_2

Swimming Pool 3D Rotation



    Tip: Drag the slider to the right to see the X-Trainer swimming pool rotating first along the X-axis and then along the Y-axis. Explore the swimming pool shape from all sides: front, rear, right and left side, outer and inner.


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    Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy

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    Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy



    Choose Bi-luminite for your X-Trainer swimming pool so your new pool looks great and lasts long


    If you have any questions about the X-Trainer pool shell, its features and qualities, use the first button below to search for the nearest Compass swimming pools dealer to you or call our 1300 number (1300 667 445). If you like to make your own research before making the decision of starting the swimming pool project, explore our online resources, especially features of our swimming pools, our promise to you and the Pool 101 section. For those preferring to go through the information in a form of a hard copy booklet, click on the second button below and request a free printed pool magazine (pool buyers guide) which contains valuable tips for prospective swimming pool buyers.

    To learn more, watch our 3 videos below explaining the 3 selected benefits of Compass fibreglass swimming pools: The infloor self-cleaning system, ceramic core technology and the Maxi Rib technology enabling the installation of our swimming pools in difficult conditions.

    No Need to Clean Your Swimming Pool

    Let the Compass Vantage pool clean itself. The Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system is an inconspicuous network of cleaning nozzles built into the pool floor and steps (optional). These nozzles take turns to pop up and push water across the pool floor, forcing the dirt, sand and leaves towards the fixed head and MDX main drain for automated removal.

    Read the full story

    Our Pools Are Built Stronger to Last Longer

    All Compass Pools come with a Ceramic Core. When looking at a cross-section of a Compass composite swimming pool, the ceramic core can be clearly seen. It’s this core that sets Compass apart. It’s this core that gives increased panel stiffness and improved impact resistance. It’s this core that ensures you are buying the toughest, most durable and innovative composite pool in the world.

    Read the full story

    Sloping Site Or Difficult Sites Are Not a Problem

    We can build a swimming pool almost anywhere from hillsides, cliffs and even apartment rooftops! Thanks to our award-winning Maxi-rib technology, a system with a set of engineered rib-like structures which support the pool walls when installed above ground, Compass can offer an affordable and reliable option to anyone looking to install a swimming pool on a difficult or sloping site.

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    Pool Shape: Contemporary Fri, 20 Jan 2017 07:18:03 +0000 There’s a contemporary to suit every backyard. Deep in the centre and shallow at both ends – perfect for family fun – ideal for games such as volleyball. Comes in three different sizes from 8.3 to 10.9 m long.

    The post Pool Shape: Contemporary appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


    Contemporary Pool

    Popular with Australian families

    3D Representation

    Compass Pools Australia Contemporary Swimming Pool Shape 3D Model

    There’s a contemporary to suit every backyard. Deep in the centre and shallow at both ends – perfect for family fun – ideal for games such as volleyball. Comes in three different sizes from 8.3 to 10.9 m long.

    Some shapes in this range may differ from the 3D design shown. Click on the individual ‘view’ for specific design detail.

    Contemporary Pool Specifications

    WordPress Data Table

    Pool 3D Rotation




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      Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy

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      Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy


      No Need to Clean Your Swimming Pool

      Let the Compass Vantage pool clean itself. The Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system is an inconspicuous network of cleaning nozzles built into the pool floor and steps (optional). These nozzles take turns to pop up and push water across the pool floor, forcing the dirt, sand and leaves towards the fixed head and MDX main drain for automated removal.

      Read the full story

      Our Pools Are Built Stronger to Last Longer

      All Compass Pools come with a Ceramic Core. When looking at a cross-section of a Compass composite swimming pool, the ceramic core can be clearly seen. It’s this core that sets Compass apart. It’s this core that gives increased panel stiffness and improved impact resistance. It’s this core that ensures you are buying the toughest, most durable and innovative composite pool in the world.

      Read the full story

      Sloping Site Or Difficult Sites Are Not a Problem

      We can build a swimming pool almost anywhere from hillsides, cliffs and even apartment rooftops! Thanks to our award-winning Maxi-rib technology, a system with a set of engineered rib-like structures which support the pool walls when installed above ground, Compass can offer an affordable and reliable option to anyone looking to install a swimming pool on a difficult or sloping site.

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      The post Pool Shape: Contemporary appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

      Pool Shape: Vogue Fri, 20 Jan 2017 06:22:06 +0000 Vogue is one of our most popular fibreglass pools. This uniquely designed swimming pool offers something special for all ages, with an unobstructed swimming corridor for those who enjoy fitness and fun.

      The post Pool Shape: Vogue appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


      Vogue Pool

      Pinnacle in contemporary pool design

      3D Representation

      Compass Pools Australia 3D Representation of the Vogue fibreglass pool shape

      This uniquely designed swimming pool offers something special for all ages, with an unobstructed swimming corridor for those who enjoy fitness and fun.

      Some models of the Vogue pool may differ from the 3D design shown. Click on ‘View’ for specific design detail.

      Pool Specifications

      WordPress Data Table

      Our Vogue Pool Range

      Vogue is one of our most popular fibreglass pools. Its centrally positioned entry steps combine style and functionality. The step ledge not only gives children a place to rest but is a great safety feature. Swimouts and wide steps at both ends are ideal relaxation zones. Both the swimming pool floor and the steps are slip resistant. With length ranging from 7.15m up to 10.2m, it can fit into most of the backyards. All models of this swimming pool range are 1.09m deep ad the shallow end, while the deep end depth varies from 1.68m to 1.93m. You can select from all our Vivid and Bi-luminite colours for your Vogue pool. Of course, it is manufactured using advanced Compass technologies including the ceramic core for strength and durability of the swimming pool.

      Swimming Pool 3D Rotation




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        Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy

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        Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy


        So that your Vogue swimming pool looks better and lasts longer

        Vogue pool projects with more details

        Explore some of the Vogue pool installations with more details on every project to help you make the best decision on your new Vogue pool

        No Need to Clean Your Swimming Pool

        Let the Compass Vantage pool clean itself. The Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system is an inconspicuous network of cleaning nozzles built into the pool floor and steps (optional). These nozzles take turns to pop up and push water across the pool floor, forcing the dirt, sand and leaves towards the fixed head and MDX main drain for automated removal.

        Read the full story

        Our Pools Are Built Stronger to Last Longer

        All Compass Pools come with a Ceramic Core. When looking at a cross-section of a Compass composite swimming pool, the ceramic core can be clearly seen. It’s this core that sets Compass apart. It’s this core that gives increased panel stiffness and improved impact resistance. It’s this core that ensures you are buying the toughest, most durable and innovative composite pool in the world.

        Read the full story

        Sloping Site Or Difficult Sites Are Not a Problem

        We can build a swimming pool almost anywhere from hillsides, cliffs and even apartment rooftops! Thanks to our award-winning Maxi-rib technology, a system with a set of engineered rib-like structures which support the pool walls when installed above ground, Compass can offer an affordable and reliable option to anyone looking to install a swimming pool on a difficult or sloping site.

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        Pool Shape: Sanctuary Wed, 23 Nov 2016 03:42:23 +0000 X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool is the number one option for many families. It’s great both for fitness and fun – with an unobstructed swimming corridor, a place for kids to rest and a shallow to deep floor.

        The post Pool Shape: Sanctuary appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


        Sanctuary Pools

        The newest addition to our pool shaps

        Pool 3D Representation

        A modern geometric shape that will fit most backyards. Ample space to take a dip while providing a full length bench and steps for relaxation and family fun.

        Some shapes in the Sanctuary fibreglass swimming pool range may differ from the 3D design shown. Click on the individual ‘view’ for specific pool design detail.

        Swimming Pool Specifications

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        Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy

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        Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy


        Choose Bi-luminite for your Sanctuary swimming pool so your new pool looks great and lasts long


        If you have any questions about the X-Trainer pool shell, its features and qualities, use the first button below to search for the nearest Compass swimming pools dealer to you or call our 1300 number (1300 667 445). If you like to make your own research before making the decision of starting the swimming pool project, explore our online resources, especially features of our swimming pools, our promise to you and the Pool 101 section. For those preferring to go through the information in a form of a hard copy booklet, click on the second button below and request a free printed pool magazine (pool buyers guide) which contains valuable tips for prospective swimming pool buyers.

        To learn more, watch our 3 videos below explaining the 3 selected benefits of Compass fibreglass swimming pools: The infloor self-cleaning system, ceramic core technology and the Maxi Rib technology enabling the installation of our swimming pools in difficult conditions.

        No Need to Clean Your Swimming Pool

        Let the Compass Vantage pool clean itself. The Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system is an inconspicuous network of cleaning nozzles built into the pool floor and steps (optional). These nozzles take turns to pop up and push water across the pool floor, forcing the dirt, sand and leaves towards the fixed head and MDX main drain for automated removal.

        Read the full story

        Our Pools Are Built Stronger to Last Longer

        All Compass Pools come with a Ceramic Core. When looking at a cross-section of a Compass composite swimming pool, the ceramic core can be clearly seen. It’s this core that sets Compass apart. It’s this core that gives increased panel stiffness and improved impact resistance. It’s this core that ensures you are buying the toughest, most durable and innovative composite pool in the world.

        Read the full story

        Sloping Site Or Difficult Sites Are Not a Problem

        We can build a swimming pool almost anywhere from hillsides, cliffs and even apartment rooftops! Thanks to our award-winning Maxi-rib technology, a system with a set of engineered rib-like structures which support the pool walls when installed above ground, Compass can offer an affordable and reliable option to anyone looking to install a swimming pool on a difficult or sloping site.

        Read the full story

        The post Pool Shape: Sanctuary appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.
