Lap pool – Compass Pools Australia Home of the Self Cleaning Pool Fri, 08 Sep 2023 21:20:29 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 6 Fail-Proof Freestyle Swimming Tips for Beginners Tue, 07 Apr 2020 03:18:59 +0000 It can take a while to get into your stride – or your stroke! As most people choose to swim freestyle, we have put together this simple guide to freestyle swimming for beginners. We have covered all the basics to help you learn freestyle swimming, and set you up for a lifetime of enjoyment in the water.

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This article will reveal some easy-to-follow, fail-proof swimming tips for beginners. If you want to get better at swimming, read on…

Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise you can do. It’s excellent for your mental and physical health, and it’s great fun, too! Swimming regularly gives you a great cardio workout. It also lowers your blood pressure, reduces your levels of stress and anxiety, and helps you sleep better at night. All in all, it’s a wonderful way to achieve a greater feeling of health and wellbeing in your life.

For those who are new to swimming, however, it can take a while to get into your stride – or your stroke! As most people choose to swim freestyle, we have put together this simple guide to freestyle swimming for beginners. We have covered all the basics to help you learn freestyle swimming, and set you up for a lifetime of enjoyment in the water. Here are our 6 fail-proof freestyle swimming tips for beginners.

Freestyle swimming tips for beginners

Wondering how to swim freestyle more efficiently? When you learn freestyle swimming, there is a lot to remember. But, once you get more practice, these things will become second nature to you. Here are our essential freestyle swimming tips for beginners that will have you swimming freestyle well in no time!

1. Swim regularly

It goes without saying that you can’t get better at something unless you practise often. Swimming is no exception. If you want to improve your freestyle swimming technique, you should aim to swim at least twice a week, preferably more.

This can be a lot easier if you have your own pool in your backyard. This way, you can fit your swimming in around your own schedule rather than having to fit in with public pool opening times. It also gives you the opportunity to learn freestyle swimming in the privacy of your own backyard so you don’t have to feel embarrassed!

If you are a beginner learning to swim, and you’re considering investing in your own pool, there are plenty of options when it comes to sizes and shapes of pool, so you should easily be able to find the right choice for your property and your needs.

Compass Pools Australia Fastlane lap pool is great for freestyle swimming practise

2. Structure your swimming sessions

Second of our swimming tips has a lot to do with focus and purpose. Every time you get into the pool, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. This means giving a structure to your practice sessions. For example, you could start off by swimming 200 metres to warm up, before concentrating on your arm movements or working on your kicking technique. Choosing a particular part of the body to concentrate on in each session is a good idea as it makes sure your entire body can work together to produce a much stronger freestyle swimming technique overall. It is also a way how to secure a perfect swimmer´s body.

You can finish up your session by swimming laps in perfect size lap pools to put into practice the techniques you have learned that day. Make sure the end of your session is gentler to help your muscles warm down.

3. Work on your breathing

Compass Pools Australia How to swim freestyle for beginnersFreestyle swimming for beginners can be daunting because the breathing technique does not always come naturally. It can be tempting to swim with your head too high, or lift it too far out of the water when you need to breathe. This is counterproductive because it puts a lot of strain on your neck and shoulders if your head is too high when you swim. It also slows you down and makes you tire more quickly.

Instead, you should aim to keep your head low in the water, and only tilt it slightly to the side to take a breath. Try keeping one of your goggles in the water instead of both of them coming out when you raise your head to breathe.

Also remember that you don’t need to breathe on every stroke! Try to aim for one breath every three strokes so you are breathing on opposite sides each time. This ensures that both sides of your body are taking equal strain. It’s one of the swimming tips that need some practice, especially if you are used to breathing on one side only.


Do you love swimming? Is it too complicated to go to a public pool everytime you want to swim a few laps? Maybe it’s time to get your own pool. Request a quote now!

4. Keep your strokes efficient

Using too many strokes to get from one end of the pool to the other is a complete waste of energy. You will tire yourself out too quickly and not be able to swim so fast. You should aim to swim a lap with as few strokes as possible – when you become a more proficient swimmer, you should be aiming for less than 20.

The trick is to travel as far as you possibly can with each stroke. Use your arms and hands like oars to propel you through the water. Stretch your arm as far as you can with each stroke, and make sure your hand is flat to pull as much water as possible. Your fingers should always enter the water first, and they should be outstretched and held together to create a smooth stroke. Only start your next stroke when you start to slow down from your previous one.

You can also help yourself along by letting your torso do some of the work. This should be tilting into each stroke so your back muscles and your abs can give your body more power to push through the water.

5. Get your kicking technique right

Many people tend to kick too much when they start swimming. This can actually hold you back instead of helping you along. Your legs are among the heaviest parts of your body, so if you are constantly kicking, you are burning unnecessary energy and slowing yourself down.

The correct swimming kicking technique for beginners is gentle. Try not to worry about it too much when you’re starting out – you will gain far more from getting your head position and your arm strokes right. Once you have perfected these things, you can start working more on your kicking technique.

One thing you need to remember is that a good kicking technique comes from the hips. Some swimmers kick from the knees. This results in your knees being bent, which can slow you down considerably when you’re swimming freestyle. Instead, your legs should be straight, with the leg muscles taut. Your feet need to be loose so they can act like fins and give more momentum to each kick. This will propel you through the water much more effectively than kicking too fast or too much.

6. Take it easy!

The last one of our swimming tips looks easy, doesn’t it? When you start swimming freestyle, it can be an exhilarating feeling. You’re full of enthusiasm, and you can’t wait to get into the pool and start burning off some energy! This means a lot of new swimmers make the mistake of swimming too fast.

If your aim is to learn how to swim freestyle more competently, swimming too fast will do you more harm than good. You need to be able to spend enough time in the pool at each session to improve the swimming of all the different aspects of your technique. If you start off too fast, you won’t have enough energy to take you through the whole session. This means you’ll have to leave some of the learning until another day, and your overall progress will be slower.

It is also essential to start each session gently to give your muscles a chance to warm up. If you put too much strain on cold muscles, you can end up with cramps. This is something you definitely want to avoid!

Compass Pools Australia Kicking technique is important to learn freestyle swimming

Find out more freestyle swimming tips for beginners

At Compass Pools Australia, we’re passionate about encouraging a lifelong love of swimming. We regularly update our blog with articles about all aspects of swimming and pools to help you get maximum enjoyment out of the sport.

If you are thinking of investing in a pool and you’re serious about swimming, check out our lap pool range. And of course, if you would like any help choosing the perfect pool, our expert team at your local Compass Pools dealership will be glad to advise you! Happy Compass Pool owners keep telling us that the’re spending their holidays at their pool (staycationing). Why don’t stay active, improve your swimming and experience a great staycation at your own Compass Pool?

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6 Top Tips for Getting Better at Swimming Sat, 04 Apr 2020 03:40:00 +0000 Looking at ways to improve your swimming? You’ve come to the right place, we have 6 top tips for getting better at swimming available for you below. Swimming is one of the best all-round forms of exercise you can do, and it’s hugely popular all over Australia. But many swimmers, while enjoying the water, aren’t…

The post 6 Top Tips for Getting Better at Swimming appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

Looking at ways to improve your swimming? You’ve come to the right place, we have 6 top tips for getting better at swimming available for you below.

Swimming is one of the best all-round forms of exercise you can do, and it’s hugely popular all over Australia. But many swimmers, while enjoying the water, aren’t particularly confident or secure in their swimming technique. This insecurity can dissuade them from getting in the pool often enough to improve their swimming, and it can sometimes take the enjoyment out of the experience altogether.

If this applies to you, don’t worry! We have put together this article to help you learn how to swim better and feel more confident in the pool.

Reasons to practise swimming

There are loads of good reasons to improve your swimming and do more swimming practice. Swimming has a huge range of benefits for your physical and mental health. People who swim regularly notice a huge boost to their energy levels, a better quality of sleep and an improved level of overall fitness. They also feel healthier, more positive and less stressed, demonstrating what an important activity swimming can be for increasing your sense of wellbeing.

Some of the specific health benefits of swimming include:

  • Exercise: Swimming is one of the best all-round forms of exercise you can take as it uses almost every muscle in the body. It’s a great way to get a swimmer´s body. Good for increasing strength, toning up and maintaining a healthy weight. It’s also extremely beneficial for your cardiovascular health, protecting you against problems such as heart attacks, strokes and diabetes.
  • Relaxation: Swimming is highly beneficial for improving both mental and physical wellbeing as it promotes relaxation and reduces stress. This helps to reduce your blood pressure and alleviates the symptoms of anxiety and depression, enabling you to manage the stresses of everyday life more effectively.
  • Recovery from injuries: Swimming is good for muscular injuries as it is a low-impact sport that you can enjoy at your own pace. You don’t have to put too much strain on yourself while strengthening your muscles and increasing your flexibility.

However, if you want to get maximum benefits and enjoyment from swimming, it is important to get your technique right. Here are our top tips for how to swim better. Improve your swimming with these six simple tips!

How to improve your swimming

Always warm-up

Getting in the pool with cold muscles is a recipe for disaster. You will not have the flexibility you need, and there is a risk of you getting cramps. A correct warmup involves a number of simple exercises that you can easily do at the poolside. Stretches, push-ups and sit-ups are ideal for warming up your muscles and increasing your overall strength and flexibility.

To give yourself an extra advantage, you might also want to do some planks and core exercises, just to keep all the muscles you need for swimming in great condition.

Structure your swimming practice sessions

Jumping into the water and splashing about can be loads of fun! But if you’re serious about improving your swimming technique, you need to structure your swimming practice sessions so you can get some real meaning out of them.

Start off by swimming 200 metres freestyle at a constant pace and pressure. Then help yourself to focus by concentrating on just your arms or legs. This helps you to understand your swimming technique better and create a strong rhythm.

The main part of your session should be dedicated to swimming laps. If you have a lap pool or other rectangular pool in your backyard, this is the ideal environment for learning how to swim better. You can concentrate on improving your lap times and strengthening your technique without any of the distractions and obstacles that you always find at a public pool. And, as you’re in the privacy of your own backyard, you won’t need to feel self-conscious or embarrassed about it!

While you’re swimming laps, try to use as few strokes per lap as possible. Remember, a champion swimmer can do an entire lap in around seven strokes! Nobody expects you to be that good, but aim for less than 20, only starting the next stroke when you start to slow down from the previous one. It’s all about using your body in the most efficient way and creating more length in the water – you might have noticed that the top swimmers all tend to be tall! Creating a longer shape will help you to push the water out of the way more efficiently so you can use less energy and swim for longer.

Finally, make sure you remember to warm down with some gentle swimming before getting out of the pool.

Compass Pools Australia Improve your swimming with Fastlane custom length pools

3. Work on your breathing to improve your swimming

Good breathing is key to improving your swimming. A lot of swimmers tend to waste breath by gasping for air every time their face reaches the surface between every stroke. Part of becoming a better swimmer is learning to breathe more efficiently, using the air properly and reducing your breaths to one every three strokes instead of every stroke. This will help to reduce strain on your neck and shoulders as it means you are breathing on alternate sides rather than relying too heavily on one side or the other side of your body.

Learning to breathe more efficiently will also help you to keep your head in the right position when swimming freestyle. Many swimmers tilt their heads too far upwards or hold them too high, causing the rest of their bodies to drop too low in the water. This throws your technique off-course and slows you down. When you’re not breathing, your head shouldn’t move at all – you only need to tilt it slightly to the side to breathe.

4. Get your whole body working together

If you watch a top swimmer, their arms, legs and torsos seem to work together in synchronicity, propelling them forward through the water with what looks like very little effort. This is because they are using their bodies in the most efficient way possible. As you practise swimming, this will become natural to you if you get used to using the right techniques.

Your body position should be as straight as possible from your head to your hips so it can turn into each stroke to add more power. Keep your head low as this will keep your torso in a more streamlined position and reduce strain on your neck and shoulders. Doing this reduces drag and makes swimming easier. You should only tilt your head when you need to breathe.

Use your arms and hands like oars to pull your body through the water. If you hold your hands in a broad, flat position, this will help you to use your entire forearm to dig into the water, keeping your forearm at a right angle to your upper arm. At the same time, your abs and your lower back muscles should be taut as this will help you to propel yourself through the water using your arms and legs.

When it comes to your legs, it’s all down to the way you kick. Keep your leg muscles taut and your feet flexible so they can act like fins. If your feet aren’t particularly flexible, investing in a pair of swimming fins can really help your swimming performance. Small, fast kicks tend to work best as this technique gives your body stability in the water and prevents your legs from causing drag.

5. Work on your different strokes

Most swimmers tend to swim freestyle, so the majority of swimming practice advice is based around this stroke. But there are plenty of other swimming styles to choose from. It is important to be aware of all of them and work on your technique if you really want to be a better swimmer.

Compass Pools Australia To improve your swimming work on different strokes

Here are some simple tips to consider when swimming in different styles:


Your arms and legs have to work together here, but it is important to work on them separately if you really want to get your technique right. This is a stroke that requires a lot of coordination, so make sure you have the correct technique for your arms and legs so they can work in synchronicity.

One common mistake that swimmers make when swimming breaststroke is that they pull their arms back too far on each stroke, sometimes reaching almost to the hips. You will be more successful swimming in this style if you use shorter, more powerful arm movements that don’t even reach as far as your torso.


Many people think of backstroke as quite relaxing as it allows you to watch the world go by as you swim. But if you’re serious about becoming a better swimmer, you need to think about the different elements of the stroke so you can achieve more power. Backstroke can actually be one of the hardest strokes to get right.

The arm movement is particularly important here as it needs to come from your shoulders in a fluid, rolling movement. When your hand comes out of the water, your thumb should emerge first. Your arm then needs to twist mid-stroke so your pinky finger goes back into the water first.

Another helpful hint when swimming backstroke is to keep your head low and in a relaxed position. Many swimmers hold their heads too high when swimming this stroke, causing the body to be in an uncomfortable position – the upper body will be too high and the lower body too low. This creates a lot of drag, so it is important to keep your head low, making yourself more streamlined and also more comfortable.


The butterfly is all about the arms pulling you through the water. You should pull with your arms once for every two kicks. This synchronisation can be difficult to get right. It can be a good idea to practise with one arm at a time – do one lap just using your left arm and your legs, then another lap with just your right arm and your legs, before putting the whole thing together.

Doing one-arm drills will help you to keep your body in a more stable position and ensure that your arms are pulling with equal strength. This will result in a more balanced stroke, which is easier for you and looks better, too!

Flip turns

One simple way to improve your swimming is to master the flip turn. This is the way of turning in the water that top swimmers use at the end of each lap so they don’t have to stop swimming between laps. Mastering this technique will vastly improve your swimming and quicken your lap times as there is no pause between laps.

If you can do a somersault in the water, you can do a flip turn. It is important not to look at the wall as you approach it. If you look at the wall, you will slow yourself down by keeping your head up and also worry yourself about making the turn in time. Instead, look down at the bottom of the pool. Start to turn a half somersault when you see the “T” shape on the floor of the pool that marks the end of the lane.

Tuck your chin in, kick hard once and pull your arms down until they are at your sides. Then tuck your knees up to your chest and push with your arms to roll you over onto your back. At this point, when your half somersault is complete, stretch your arms over your head with your hands together pointing into the pool, away from the wall. Uncurl your upper body so it is in a streamlined “torpedo” shape. Extend your legs so your feet are planted on the wall, with your knees and hips at 90-degree angles.

Push off from the wall using your legs and feet so your whole body is now in a straight streamlined shape. You should still be on your back at this point. Use dolphin kicks or flutter kicks to propel you, and twist your whole body to one side so you roll over onto your front. Keep your body in a straight line the whole time to maintain as much momentum as possible.

Compass Pools Australia To improve your swimming practice find the best pool for you

6. Improve your swimming practice with the right pool

If you really want to improve your swimming and you don’t currently have your own pool, having your own pool can be a great investment. It is so much easier to practise swimming when you have a pool in your backyard – you can just step out of the door and into the water, any time you choose. There’s no more need to wait for public pool opening times; you can get some practice in before work or enjoy a dip to relax you at the end of a busy day. Or spend the holidays at home and swim as much as you like!

With so many pool shapes and sizes to choose from, it is easy to find a pool that can fit into your backyard and fit in with your lifestyle. The expert team here at Compass Pools Australia are always happy to help you find the perfect pool for you. Please contact your nearest dealership, and our friendly team will be glad to discuss your requirements.

For more swimming news and tips, check out our blog, which is regularly updated with articles about swimming and pools. We want to help you become the best swimmer you can be, and encourage a lifelong love of swimming for all!

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3 Exercises for Getting Better at Swimming Tue, 10 Mar 2020 04:38:28 +0000 Swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise that can help you strengthen almost every muscle group in your body. There are several exercises to improve swimming available, and we’ll outline how you can use them to get better at swimming. Read on to improve your muscle strength and discover our tips for getting better at swimming now!

The post 3 Exercises for Getting Better at Swimming appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

Swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise that can help you strengthen almost every muscle group in your body. However, swimming requires a lot of muscles and movements that you wouldn’t typically use when you walk around on land, so a great deal of practice is needed, and you may feel sore early on!

Just like any kind of sport, you need to warm up your body and always make sure it’s ready for any tedious activity. For golf, you would need to perform golf exercises, for basketball, you need to exert effort in circuit training, but since swimming is a watersport, exercises tend to be more difficult, but we’ll help you through it in this article.

There are several exercises to improve swimming available, and we’ll outline how you can use them to get better at swimming. Also, the type of pool you use can impact whether or not you swim better – we’ll go over several that are excellent choices below. Read on to get to our tips for getting better at swimming now!

Three Easy Exercises to Improve Swimming

You can focus on one area at a time to help you learn how to swim better. Dedicate time to each area of your body, and go as quickly or as slowly as you like.

1 – Planks

You don’t have to do all of your exercises in the pool to strengthen your body. One effective way to strengthen your glutes, arms, shoulders, upper and lower body is with planks. Position yourself like you’re going to attempt a pushup with your arms grounded slightly wider than your shoulders. Squeeze your glutes to stabilise yourself and use your toes to hold your feet. Your head should be in line with your back, and you hold this position for 20 seconds. Your legs shouldn’t hold any of the pressure. Planks, loved and recommended by (almost) all PTs, can significantly help you with getting better at swimming.

Exercises to improve swimming plank

2 – Warmups

Before you get into the pool, you should be performing warmups to loosen your muscles up. This session should stay under 30 minutes. Do prone holds, stretch your hamstrings, do push-ups, burpees, and sit-ups. You can do this right alongside the pool, or you can do it in your home before getting into your pool. This reduces the risk of developing cramps.

How to swim better - warmups

3 – Core Exercises

Your core is the one place that will go through the biggest workout when you swim, so it makes sense to strengthen it any way you can. Start with the bird dog position. Get on your hands and knees and make your spine flat. Extend your right leg and left arm out, keeping them below your spine. Hold this position for five seconds before switching limbs. For V-sits, start in a seated position before raising your legs to a 45° angle. Extend your arms out to your knees and hold for 30 seconds. Strengthening can contribute to you getting better at swimming.

Getting better at swimming with V sits

Six Big Benefits of Exercising in the Pool

There are several benefits that come with exercising in the pool or any body of water. These benefits are why many forms of therapy take place in the water, especially if people have injuries and they need to restrengthen their muscles. We’ve picked out the biggest ones and outlined them below.

  • Low Impact – Unlike traditional exercise that can put more stress on your joints, swimming is very low impact. Water gives you buoyancy. This means you float once you enter the water. When you do your exercises, the water will save your joints from excess stress and reduce your risk of injury.
  • Built-In Resistance – When you push against the water, you meet resistance. This resistance makes your body work harder to complete whatever exercise routine you have set up. You can adjust your resistance level depending on what you’re doing and the water depth. Deeper water has more resistance than more shallow water.
  • Slowly Increase the Intensity – Water exercising is beginner-friendly. It allows you to start out slow and gradually work your way up to more complicated routines. To do this, you increase your time in the pool and take shorter rest breaks between exercise sets. You can also go to a greater resistance level.
  • Tones Muscles – Working out in the water allows you to tone a huge range of muscles that you may not work out if you exercise on land. You can focus on more than one muscle group at once as well, and it helps keep your joints nimble because it’s so low-impact.
  • Whole Body Support – No one wants to hurt their back because this can set you up for a lifetime of problems. Water exercises help to protect your body, particularly your back and spine. The water will support your weight and keep it off of your spine.
  • Heart Healthy – Swimming laps, water jogging, or other water exercises are all aerobic. They get your heart pumping faster and encourage your vascular system to work. In turn, this can improve your heart health. Water also has a naturally cooling effect that lets you exercise for longer periods without feeling uncomfortably hot or sweaty.

Exercising in your own pool

Consider Investing in a Lap Pool

Lap pools are designed for swimming and swimming laps in your own lap pool can become an excellent way of getting better at swimming. We have several great lap pool models available at Compass Pools. They feature a narrow design that fits into more versatile areas, and they’re big enough to help you practice your swimming strokes. You can have this pool right outside your door, and this gives you the freedom to practice your swimming in the comfort of your own home. Spend the holidays at home and swim every day!

First up is the Fastlane lap pool design. This pool is excellent for serious swimmers because it offers lengths up to 30m. There are also two standard lengths coming in at 12 and 10m. This is more than enough space to help you clean up your strokes and improve your swimming speed. The flat bottom allows you to swim unhindered, and you can add optional external steps in several places along the pool wall.

Swimming in your own lap pool

Locate Your Nearest Compass Pools Dealer to Design Your Lap Pool

If you’re ready to try getting better at swimming in your own home, locate a Compass Pools dealer near you. They’ll be happy to answer all of your questions and help you decide which lap pool would work best for your needs. With dozens of colours and sizes available, you’ll get a pool you can’t wait to use for years to come!

The post 3 Exercises for Getting Better at Swimming appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

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Stunning and affordable backyard pool design ideas Tue, 11 Jun 2019 22:12:52 +0000 How to make the best decision about the design of pool which will fit your backyard beautifully and give it the ambience you crave? Read on to find out what questions you need to ask before you select your plan, and to understand what the go-to pool designs are right now.

The post Stunning and affordable backyard pool design ideas appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


Setting out on your pool design project is an exciting time…finally your dream is becoming a reality! But you are likely to have all sorts of questions to ask and choices to make before making your final decision about the design of pool which will fit your backyard beautifully and give it the ambience you crave. Read on to find out what questions you need to ask before you select your plan, and to understand what the go-to pool designs are right now.

Planning is key

First of all, planning is key. There are many considerations to take into account before you settle on a pool design, as well as lots of questions to ask!

Let’s start with the basics: what is the ground like in your backyard? If it’s a level surface, then you are on to a winner, as constructing an in-ground or above ground pool should be possible.

If your property is set on sloping land or a hillside, or a particularly rocky or uneven surface, you may think that you face a challenge. But do not despair – above ground pools are perfect for this situation. A fibreglass shell for an above ground pool, for example, can be installed securely on this type of terrain. Here, Compass Pool Australia’s Maxi Rib technology comes into its own, providing a strong and durable structure ideal for this situation.

Next, think about where you plan to position your pool within your plot. Many pool owners go for central positioning to make their pool the centre of attention. Others will place it near to their house, to create a seamless transition from house to backyard to pool. Of course, you may also need to think about how your pool installer will access your backyard and how this can affect positioning.

Finally, give some thought to how you intend to use your pool. There are some great options for families, such as the lap pool with its wide, easy access ledges, that are ideal for children or not so confident swimmers. Of course, the primary function of a lap pool is to provide unobstructed lap swimming, so this is a highly versatile option for many families.

If your backyard is particularly compact, a plunge pool could be a good option for you. These small, deep pools take up the minimum of space but still provide an environment for gentle exercise, or when customised with jets, can double up as a spa.

Great design of the extra length Fastlane lap pool with a spa attached

What happens next?

Onto the final stages of preparation before you can really get stuck into your backyard design ideas.

Get in touch with your local council to find out about approval requirements, and check out your site map to find out whether there are any cables or pipes running underneath your pool area.

You will also need to avail yourself of the safety regulations for your area, which you will be able to find on your local building authority website.

Once you have gathered some pool ideas, get in touch with your local authorised Compass Pools Australia pool builder, who will be able to efficiently install your above ground pool with the minimum of hassle.

Best small courtyard design ideas

When it comes to courtyard designs, size certainly shouldn’t matter. In fact, if your backyard comprises a small courtyard then you have plenty of scope to create a wonderful oasis incorporating a tranquil pool.

Given your courtyard’s compact dimensions, the ideal pool design for you is a plunge pool. This small, deep pool will allow you space to swim, exercise and relax. Available as in-ground or above ground options, they are a versatile way to achieve your dream of having a pool in a small space.

If you have a modern-build house, a contemporary, straight-edged design could be for you. Surrounding tiling in neutral tones will enhance the fresh, modern feel to this design. Opt for some leafy plants in pots placed at intervals around your pool for a really luxe look – try palms and hibiscus for a really lush feel.

Good small backyard designs also take into account proximity to your neighbour’s property. There are lots of clever features you can incorporate to give your pool area a more private feel. If your pool area is right up against your neighbour’s perimeter, an elevated deck, for instance, can detract the eye from their fence or wall and provide an attractive view and a feeling of spaciousness.

Plunge pools suggest luxury, so why not recreate a spa look in your courtyard? Place comfy seating around the edges of your pool, and keep the colour scheme of surrounding tiling neutral and calming. You can even add jets to your pool to make it into a sumptuous experience.

For a soft, appealing look, opt for a plunge pool shell with a rounded edge. The 4.5 Courtyard model by Compass Pools Australia is made for this look. When it comes to landscaping, you can really indulge your imagination here. Go for romantic, flower-bearing plants around your pool area such as agapanthus and bromeliad for colour and structure. Add height with grasses or bamboo, and mix in features such as rocks and natural materials to complete the wild, romantic look.

Small courtyard designs with plunge pool

Best contemporary ideas

If cool and contemporary is your style, there are endless pool designs you can choose from.

For this kind of look, you’ll find that shape is key. Clean, straight lines work really well to convey an up-to-the-minute look, best epitomised by the infinity pool. These ideal pools trick the eye into thinking that your pool goes on forever, creating a feeling of freedom and luxury. You may be surprised to learn that infinity pools are achievable small backyard designs, as even a small rectangular pool can provide the basis for this stunning look.

The lap pool is another design that is rapidly gaining popularity. As their name suggests, they are suitable for swimming laps and are long and narrow in shape. Compass Pools Australia offers a number of lap pool designs, for example, the Fastlane, the X-Trainer, and the Vogue. You can complement this clean and stunning design with a water feature emptying directly into the pool or a deck with glass surround for an ultra-modern look.

Another way to incorporate a modern vibe into your pool design is to create a sleek seating area adjacent to your pool. You can achieve this with decking, or with clean, neutral tiles. Add some comfortable seating with cushions in accent colours, some strategic lighting and even a fire pit for warmth and focus, and you have a desirable, modern look for your backyard which will be the envy of your neighbours!

Pool design ideas pool with glass wall and a water wall water feature

Best family pool ideas

When you think of a classic swimming pool, images of lazy summer days spent with the family splashing about and having fun spring to mind.

Create a classic swimming pool look with a family pool from Compass Pools. Their Contemporary pool shell is perfect for all the family, providing depth in the centre and shallow areas at both ends – great for pool games. Large steps and bench seating at both ends means the pool is fully accessible for all the family. From 8.3 to 10.9 metres, this model is good for a medium-sized garden.

If you are tight for space, there are also plenty of options for small backyard ideas. The Vogue model comes in a range of sizes, with the smallest measuring 7.15 x 3.0m. It also boasts a step ledge where kids can rest, a perimeter rail to provide support and anti-slip steps and flooring for safety.

Make the surrounding area appealing for all the family with some effective pool landscaping ideas. Deck jets add fun and excitement to your pool area. They are jets fixed on the decking next to your pool creating jets of water that spurt into the pool. You can even backlight them for some extra fun after dark!

You can also have fun with coloured lights around the pool, or strings of fairy lights around your decking area to create a magical atmosphere.

A covered lounge area overlooking your pool is also fantastic for all the family to use. Providing shade and a place to rest, this is a wonderful resource for families with small children. And once they get that little bit bigger, mum and dad can supervise them from the comfort of their lounger!

Of course, if your pool is intended for small children’s use, you will need to be ultra-aware of safety regulations. You will require fencing on all sides, and beyond the fencing, there has to be a safety zone of 900 mm minimum around the pool. You mustn’t place any large objects there which could be used by children to climb over the fence.

The Riviera fibreglass pool is popular with Australian families

Best nature-inspired ideas

Nature lovers can really run wild with their passion when it comes to planning a swimming pool.

Even a small plunge or courtyard pool can be landscaped to reflect a wonderfully natural look to it. Fill in the surrounding area with rocks and gravel, planting grasses or succulents in the spaces in between to give an impression of an organically created environment.

For a truly stunning look, add a waterfall that empties into the pool, mimicking something you may stumble across in the natural world. You could go for a rocky waterfall, which will look as natural as possible as the water trickles between the nooks and crannies. Or, for the more ambitious, what about an infinity waterfall? This links two levels of pools so that the upper level cascades into the lower one, creating movement and interest. This is a great small backyard idea as it makes the most of space going upwards when surface area is at a premium.

Planting the adjacent garden area with specimens that attract birds, insects and butterflies is another way to feel at one with nature while you are relaxing in your pool. Acacia attracts butterflies and insects, while the pods provide food for seed-eating birds. The luscious blooms of the New South Wales Waratha will attract birds in abundance to your pool area, while the Red Flowering Gum flowers exude nectar making beautiful exotic birds such as parrots flock to it in droves. Plant rice flower bushes too, which will add structure and shape to your wildlife area and attract colourful butterflies.

Natural pool design with stones and plants used in pool landscaping

The final word

Whichever look you go for, it’s a good idea to start planning way before you want your pool installed. Use Pinterest to capture and sort pools by design, and see if you go and see some examples of pools to get an idea about what might work for you. Above all, enjoy the planning stages and remain open-minded as to what design would work for your backyard…you may be surprised at what inspiration you find!

Would you like to explore more pool design ideas?

Head to our pool gallery to see pool projects completed by authorised Compass Pools dealers.

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The Best Pool Design Ideas for Your Backyard Fri, 04 Jan 2019 05:57:55 +0000 Buying a swimming pool for your backyard is an exciting and worthwhile experience. But it is important to plan carefully if you want this important investment to offer you maximum value for money. Here are some of the main factors you need to consider, and some of our favourite pool design ideas, to make sure your project runs smoothly and your pool can be a beautiful central feature in your backyard.

The post The Best Pool Design Ideas for Your Backyard appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


Buying a swimming pool for your backyard is an exciting and worthwhile experience. But it is important to plan carefully if you want this important investment to offer you maximum value for money.

Here are some of the main factors you need to consider, and some of our favourite pool design ideas, to make sure your project runs smoothly and your pool can be a beautiful central feature in your backyard.

What is the size and shape of your backyard?

The right pool design is likely to be dictated by the size and shape of your backyard. It is important that the pool should fit well into the space, with enough room around it to meet safety regulations in your state or territory. Remember, your pool will need to have fencing covering its entire perimeter, as it must not be directly accessible from your house. If you want to include a patio and dining area, this will require even more space, as regulations state that you must not position any large objects such as chairs or tables close enough to the pool fencing for a child to use them to climb over the barrier.

Some backyards lend themselves more naturally to pools than others, but this does not mean a pool is impossible if your backyard is an unusual shape. If your yard slopes, for example, you might need to have your pool partially or fully built above-ground. These days, this is not a problem. Modern technologies such as Compass Pools Australia’s super-strong Maxi Rib technology create a structure strong and durable enough for a fibreglass pool to be built above ground just as safely as if it was installed in-ground.

What will your pool be used for?

Different pools have different purposes, and how you will use your pool needs to be taken into account when choosing the shape, size and style of your pool. If you have children, you will want to use the pool for playing games and spending quality time as a family, and therefore you will need the space and safety features that a family pool can offer.

On the other hand, if you are a serious swimmer who will mainly be swimming laps, you might prefer a lap pool. These are long and narrow, specifically designed for swimming laps without any obstacles in the way. They can also look extremely attractive in a wide variety of backyards.

If you primarily want your pool as a means of relaxation, a spa pool might be more appropriate for you.

Reputable manufacturers will offer their pool designs in a number of different lengths, widths and depths, so you should easily be able to find a pool design you like in a size that suits your backyard and your usage needs.

How well do your pool design ideas suit your property?

Your pool design has to fit with the overall appearance of your property. It must blend seamlessly into the space of your backyard, so it looks like part of your home and becomes a beautiful design feature in your yard.

This means you need to look at the architectural style of your house when choosing your pool. Would a contemporary or traditional pool coordinate better with your house? Should the edges be straight and streamlined, or would a softer, more rounded look suit your property? Many pool manufacturers enable their pools to be styled in different ways, with either straight-edged or rounded-edged paving around them. This can completely transform the look of your pool and enable it to blend in better with the rest of your property.

Another element to consider here is the right pool colour to choose. If you are having a concrete pool built, you can choose from any number of different tiles. Fibreglass pools, on the other hand, come with gelcoat surfaces, which are easier to keep clean, but they are only available in as many colours as the manufacturer provides. Take a look at your home and yard, and consider which colour would coordinate best with the surroundings. Choosing the right colour can make all the difference when it comes to fitting your pool with the landscape and helping it to stand out as a feature.

What is the right placement for a pool?

You will be looking at your pool every day, and it will be the main focal point of your backyard. While it might be tempting to tuck the pool into an unused corner of your outdoor space, this will not show it off to best advantage. With the right placement, your poolside area can become the ideal spot in which to enjoy an alfresco breakfast, or the perfect setting for a pool party after the lights come on at night.

The right pool placement can also add value if you ever decide to sell your home. Prospective buyers will be more inclined to offer a higher price if they see a beautifully designed backyard with a magnificent swimming pool as its main feature. If the pool and the yard look as if their layout has not been designed carefully enough, this will make your property less attractive, and may result in a lower price being offered.

Some pool buyers ask if having their pool built in a particular position can cost less than positioning it elsewhere in the yard. This depends entirely on the size and shape of your backyard. While some positions are easier than others from a construction point of view, and could therefore be cheaper, the difference is not likely to be great. It is much more important that the placement of the pool works practically with the rest of your property and looks attractive.

Of course, the most important element when deciding where to place your pool is that you like it. You should enjoy looking at your pool almost as much as you enjoy swimming in it, so it is essential that you think the positioning looks right. Remember, too, that you will be viewing your pool from all angles, including from inside the house. Looking at your backyard out of a window in your house can give you ideas for the right placement of your pool, as well as inspiring the design.

How should your pool area be landscaped?

Some people’s pool design ideas include landscaping designs from the very beginning of the project. They have a clear vision of how they want the pool area to look, including fencing, paving, plants and water features, all worked out before the construction work has even started.

However, for many other pool owners, the landscaping design grows gradually once the pool itself is completed. Living with your pool can show you how different the colour of the water can look on different days, depending on the weather. This will also affect how your paving appears, so it is a good idea to keep several samples by the side of the pool so you can view them in different lights and weather conditions, before making your decision.

It is important that your pool area is landscaped in a way that suits you and your property. If you have clear ideas, you should communicate them at the beginning of the project, so they can be brought to life. If not, it is worth talking to a professional landscaping designer who can offer you plenty of advice.

Pool design ideas should start with the pool

Until you have chosen your pool, it is practically impossible to put anything else in place, as the design of the pool will be central to the entire appearance of your backyard. This is why the most sensible strategy is to choose your pool first, then plan all the other design elements around its shape and style.

Remember, your pool is a big investment and selecting it is a hugely important decision, as you have to be happy with your pool and the appearance of your yard for many years to come. Don’t rush the decisions here. Take your time choosing your pool and designing your landscaping, and do not be afraid to delay the project if there is any element of it you are unsure about.

By giving it plenty of careful thought, and making sure you are completely happy with every part of the design, you will have a pool you can enjoy looking at, as well as using, long into the future.

If you would like any advice about different pool designs and how they can be customised to work more effectively in your own backyard, please contact us. Our highly experienced pool consultants will be happy to discuss your requirements and give you all the help and support you need.

Get inspired: Selected pool design ideas for your backyard

or head to our pool inspirations gallery for more pictures

The post The Best Pool Design Ideas for Your Backyard appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

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Swimming Pools in Sydney: What You Need to Know Before You Buy Wed, 17 Oct 2018 00:14:27 +0000 Swimming pools are extremely popular in Sydney backyards, and it’s easy to see why. Before you buy a swimming pool, there are some major factors to consider. This guide will take you through everything you need to know about pools in Sydney to help you make the right choice.

The post Swimming Pools in Sydney: What You Need to Know Before You Buy appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


Swimming pools are extremely popular in Sydney backyards, and it’s easy to see why. A pool offers a great way to stay fit and healthy, relax with family and friends, and enjoy the wonderful Sydney climate for many months of the year.

But before you buy a swimming pool, there are some major factors to consider. This guide will take you through everything you need to know about pools in Sydney to help you make the right choice.

What Are the Laws and Regulations for Pools in Sydney?

Planning laws are set by your local council, so you need to check with them to find out what the approval requirements are for swimming pools in your area. You should also request a copy of your site plan to find out if any essential cables such as water pipes run underneath the ground in the area where you want to position your pool.

If there are any power lines located over your planned pool site, you should check with your local electricity authority or Transgrid before your pool building work starts.

Some trees in areas of Sydney are protected by preservation orders, so you may need to contact your local council to check whether or not you are allowed to cut down any trees to build your pool.

Do Swimming Pools in Sydney Need to Meet Safety Standards?

The safety standards for pools in Sydney are all related to pool fencing. Your fencing must comply with the Pool Safety Standard AS1926.1 – 2012, according to NSW laws. All pool fences must be at least 1.2 metres tall from the ground, and your pool gate must be self-closing and self-latching. It also has to open away from the pool.

Any large objects, such as chairs, pot plants, or barbeques, that a child could climb on to get over the pool fencing must be located at least 90cm away from your pool fences. This is something you will need to consider when planning your pool landscaping.

How Does the Sydney Climate Affect Swimming Pools?

We are lucky in Sydney to enjoy a pleasant climate for most of the year. The summer months can be extremely hot, so having a pool in your backyard is ideal, as it offers you a convenient way to cool down!

However, the hot season often ends abruptly, with thunderstorms and strong winds causing a sudden drop in temperatures. The coastal areas tend to have more rain and wind all year round than the CBD and inner-city suburbs, but these conditions can affect any part of Sydney.

This means that, if you want to enjoy your pool in the spring and autumn as well as the summer, you should consider a heating system for your pool. Solar heating is the most popular type of pool heating in Sydney, as there is enough sunshine here most of the year to heat your pool to a comfortable temperature. This is also the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly method available.

Another factor to consider when planning a pool in Sydney is the condition of the ground where your pool will be built. It might be worth getting a geotechnical survey before you start. This will show any rocks or unstable soil which could complicate your pool installation process.

What Are the Most Popular Types of Pools in Sydney?

The right type of pool for you will depend on your individual circumstances and what your pool will be used for. Generally speaking, there are three types of swimming pools in Sydney that are more popular than the rest.

1. Family Pools

These are large pools, generally measuring an average of 8m x 4m. Family pools offer plenty of swimming space, and often have varying depths to facilitate games in the water.

As you might expect, another defining characteristic of a family pool is the number of safety features it contains. Family pools tend to have non-slip surfaces, wide steps, and ledges around the perimeters for the kids to hang onto. They often also contain generous seating areas.

2. Lap Pools

Lap pools are designed for more serious swimmers to practice swimming laps. Longer and narrower than family pools, they are rectangular in shape, with a clear, unobstructed swimming lane. The sides of the pool are straight rather than angled, and the steps take up only a minimal amount of space.

3. Plunge Pools

Plunge pools are becoming increasingly popular in smaller backyards. Measuring on average 3m x 2m, they are much smaller pools, so they are ideal for areas such as the inner-city suburbs, where backyards are also smaller.

However, a plunge pool is still larger than a spa, and it offers a great way to relax, while still having a small space for swimming. Plunge pools can also be highly attractive design features.

Other types of pool are gradually becoming more popular in Sydney. For example, many people now want to combine the flexibility of a swimming pool with the benefits of hydrotherapy, so they are choosing a pool and spa combination.

Infinity pools are also increasing in popularity, particularly in more hilly areas. The “disappearing edge” enables you to feel like part of the scenery as you swim, offering stunning views over the surrounding area.

The type of pool you choose will depend on the size and shape of your backyard, and the purposes you want to use it for.

What Makes a Reputable Pool Builder?

Pool owners in Sydney are covered by a variety of laws that pool builders must adhere to. It is important for you to have some knowledge of these laws to make sure you are choosing a reputable builder who is operating legally.

Any building work in Sydney costing more than $5,000 must be carried out by a licenced swimming pool builder. Licences are issued by NSW Fair Trading, and your pool builder must be prepared to show you their licence. The name on the licence has to be exactly the same as the name on the contract for the work being done.

If your pool installation is costing more than $20,000, your pool builder needs to provide you with a certificate of insurance under the Home Building Compensation Fund. The period of cover must include the construction time and all warranty periods.

Before any work begins, make sure you get a detailed quote from your pool builder so you know exactly what costs will be involved before the building work starts. You also need to study the terms of the warranty carefully to check that it gives you the required levels of protection. Last but not least, try to view some of the builder’s previous work to make sure it meets the standards you expect.

Find an Experienced Pool Builder in Sydney

If you would like to find out more about swimming pools in Sydney or want to contact a reputable pool builder, Compass Pools can help. We have two authorised pool builders located in the Greater Sydney region who will be happy to speak with you in more detail and help you find the right swimming pool for you.

Pool Builder for Sydney South

Local Pools and Spas is a family business servicing South Sydney. Established in 1988, the company is highly experienced at installing pools in backyards of all shapes and sizes. For more information, speak to Justin and Renee Magro.

Here are some of the pool projects in Sydney that Local Pools and Spas have completed:

Pool Builder for Sydney North

Compass Pools Sales Centre Sydney services the North Sydney and Central Coast and West Coast areas. The highly specialist team here have been building pools for over 10 years. They also enjoy great relationships with local tradespeople for pool surrounds, fencing, and landscaping. Recently moved home in North Sydney? Get in touch with your North Sydney Compass Pool dealers to start talking about your dream pool.

Here are some of the pool projects in Sydney that Compass Pools Sydney – Central Coast – West  Coast have completed:

If you would like to know more about any of the pools we manufacture, please contact us. We are always happy to help.

The post Swimming Pools in Sydney: What You Need to Know Before You Buy appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

Swimming Pools Melbourne: Your Guide to Building the Perfect Backyard Pool Tue, 11 Sep 2018 23:24:51 +0000 The post Swimming Pools Melbourne: Your Guide to Building the Perfect Backyard Pool appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


Many residents of Melbourne enjoy having their own swimming pools in their backyards. A pool is a wonderful addition to any home — you can spend quality time swimming and relaxing with family and friends, host pool parties, or simply indulge in some quiet time alone in the water.

Owning a swimming pool in Melbourne is an ideal way to stay fit and healthy, and it is also a stunning feature that will bring your backyard to life and increase the value of your property. But if you are planning on buying a pool, it is important to do your research carefully. This is a major investment, so it is essential that you get all the details right if you want to enjoy your pool for a long time to come.

Here’s what you need to know about building pools in Melbourne, and how to make sure you are choosing the right pool for you.

Planning and Safety Laws for Pools in Melbourne

Like all states and territories in Australia, Victoria has its own building regulations which you need to follow if you want to build a swimming pool in Melbourne.

Your pool area must not be directly accessible from any other part of your property, as all pools must have a safety barrier or fence around them of at least 1.2 metres high. The pool gates must be self-closing and self-latching, and you must never prop them open. Additionally, the safety barriers should have a clear space around them, so there are no objects which children could stand on to climb over the barriers.

If you are building a pool in Melbourne, you must take care with your choice of pool builder. All pools here must be constructed by a builder who is registered with the Victorian Building Authority. You and your builder must sign a domestic building contract before any work on your pool can begin.

Also, before your pool construction begins, you must obtain a building permit from a registered building surveyor. You can either use a private surveyor or apply to your local council’s municipal building surveyor. The permit must cover both the pool and the safety barriers, even if they are being constructed by different builders.

Once your pool is completed, it will need to be inspected by the building surveyor, who must issue a certificate of final inspection before you can use the pool.

Which Types of Swimming Pools Are Best for Melbourne’s Climate?

Melbourne is famous for its changeable weather conditions, and it is often said to have “four seasons in one day.” The weather is particularly unpredictable in spring and summer, although storms and strong winds can happen at any time of the year. Temperatures can suddenly drop, causing rain, wind, and thunderstorms, although these sometimes only last for a few minutes before the conditions return to their previous state.

With weather conditions like these, it is important to install a good pool heating system if you want to be able to use your pool regularly throughout the year. Most pools in Melbourne use solar heating systems, but during the cooler months it can be a good idea to have this system linked to electric or gas pool heating for those times when there is not enough sunlight to produce sufficient solar power.

Melbourne is also prone to occasional earthquakes. These are not usually too severe, but it is important that your pool is made from a strong, durable material that will withstand ground movements without being weakened.

Most swimming pools in Melbourne are made from either fibreglass or concrete. Both are extremely strong materials specifically designed to cope with extreme weather conditions and ground movements, thus lasting for many years. However, each material has its own advantages and disadvantages.

1. Concrete Pools

Concrete pools are extremely easy to customise to suit your own tastes and the shape of your backyard. They are built from scratch in your backyard, so you can have a great deal of input into the design. However, the building process is complex and may take months to complete.

Concrete is also the most expensive material used for swimming pool construction. There is more work involved in the construction, and once it is completed, a concrete pool needs to be lined with tiles or pebbles.

Maintenance is another important consideration. Concrete pools are notoriously difficult to clean, and they are prone to algae. This means you will have to spend time cleaning and maintaining your pool regularly.

However, concrete is a proven material which has been used to build swimming pools in Melbourne for many years. It is known to withstand all aspects of the climate, and it’s a good all-round choice if your budget can stretch to it.

2. Fibreglass Pools

In recent years there has been a rise in the popularity of fibreglass pools in Melbourne. Modern technological advancements and Compass innovations mean that our fibreglass composite pools are now built with ceramic core technology. This makes our pools strong and durable, and it has been proven to withstand severe earthquakes in other parts of Australia and New Zealand, including the 2011 Christchurch earthquake.

Fibreglass pools are also extremely easy to maintain — they do not attract algae and bacteria, and they can even be installed with self-cleaning systems, so maintenance takes virtually no time or effort.

The main disadvantage of fibreglass pools is that the pool shells are pre-made in factories. This means you can only choose from a range of available sizes and designs, rather than being able to create your own bespoke pool design to suit your property. With our pool customisation options, this is not much of a drawback anymore, enabling you to combine your pool with a spa, have a custom-length lap pool installed, accompany your pool with a wader or beach, have your fibreglass pool installed above the ground, as an infinity pool with a negative edge or even with one edge replaced by glass. The advantage of deciding for a fibreglass pool is that the installation process is much easier. Once work begins, it is likely to be completed within a couple of weeks, enabling you to enjoy your pool practically straight away.

What Are the Most Popular Designs for Pools in Melbourne?

Pool designs vary throughout Melbourne, as different pools suit different backyards and lifestyles. Most families in the suburbs will choose a family pool, as this offers a large area for swimming and games, as well as plenty of safety features and seating areas so the kids can rest whenever they need to.

Singles and couples in the inner suburbs are choosing plunge pools. These small pools only measure 3m x 2m on average, so they are perfect for smaller backyards and still offer enough space to swim and relax in the water.

However, even if your backyard is not particularly large, you may prefer to install a lap pool. These are ideal for anyone who is serious about their fitness — they are long and narrow and designed to give an unimpeded stretch of water for swimming laps.

Pool and spa combinations are also being seen more regularly in Melbourne. This gives the ultimate flexibility, as it is a full-sized swimming pool with a separate spa section containing hydrotherapy jets. You can relax in the spa while the kids are playing in the pool, or enjoy swimming while your other half has hydrotherapy treatments. Even better, the pool and spa can be arranged in a number of ways, creating an impressive design feature that makes a perfect centrepiece for your backyard.

Find Out More About Building Swimming Pools in Melbourne

If you are interested in having your own pool in Melbourne and would like to consult with an expert about the best choices before going ahead, Compass Pools is happy to help. We have two long-established dealerships servicing Melbourne and surrounding areas of Victoria, with friendly professionals always glad to offer all the help and support you need.

Compass Pools Melbourne

Compass Pools Melbourne covers Melbourne, Mornington Peninsula, Gippsland, and surrounding areas. A family business with over 30 years’ worth of experience, our team of specialists is dedicated to providing the highest standards of service and using the latest pool installation technologies.

Check out their latest awesome pool installations in Melbourne:

Gordon Avenue Pools and Spas

Gordon Avenue Pools and Spas services Geelong, Werribee, Surf Coast, and surrounding areas. Their expert pool builders and dedicated sales staff will ensure you get the excellent service you deserve at all stages of the process.

Please get in touch if you would like more information about the different options available for pools in Melbourne.

Please get in touch if you would like more information about the different options available for pools in Melbourne.

The post Swimming Pools Melbourne: Your Guide to Building the Perfect Backyard Pool appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

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Fastlane Custom Mon, 11 Dec 2017 18:18:10 +0000 The post Fastlane Custom appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

Fibreglass Swimming Pool Badge - Fastlane

Fastlane Custom

This custom-length Fastlane is ideally suited for narrow blocks and serious swimmers. Its custom design options make it a great choice for those who have a specific site or design requirements.

3D Representation

Fastlane Swimming Pool 3D Representation

There are many benefits of having a lap pool in your backyard. It offers an unimpeded stretch of water ideally suited to those who want to swim laps and improve their swimming techniques and speed. Fastlane is typically the first choice for future pool owners. Thanks to its slim design, it fits sites that have a narrow space available. With the custom length option, Fastlane can be up to 30m long!

Some shapes in this range may differ from the 3D design shown. Click on the individual ‘view’ for specific design detail.


up to 30m 2.78m 1.46m 1.46m

Compass Pools Australia Fibreglass Swimming Pool Shapes - Fastlane Custom Length

Pool 3D Rotation




    Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover



    Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy

    Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover



    Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy


    No Need to Clean Your Swimming Pool

    Let the Compass Vantage pool clean itself. The Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system is an inconspicuous network of cleaning nozzles built into the pool floor and steps (optional). These nozzles take turns to pop up and push water across the pool floor, forcing the dirt, sand and leaves towards the fixed head and MDX main drain for automated removal.

    Read the full story

    Our Pools Are Built Stronger to Last Longer

    All Compass Pools come with a Ceramic Core. When looking at a cross-section of a Compass composite swimming pool, the ceramic core can be clearly seen. It’s this core that sets Compass apart. It’s this core that gives increased panel stiffness and improved impact resistance. It’s this core that ensures you are buying the toughest, most durable and innovative composite pool in the world.

    Read the full story

    Sloping Site Or Difficult Sites Are Not a Problem

    We can build a swimming pool almost anywhere from hillsides, cliffs and even apartment rooftops! Thanks to our award-winning Maxi-rib technology, a system with a set of engineered rib-like structures which support the pool walls when installed above ground, Compass can offer an affordable and reliable option to anyone looking to install a swimming pool on a difficult or sloping site.

    Read the full story

    The post Fastlane Custom appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

    Fastlane 12.3 Tue, 12 Dec 2017 04:12:16 +0000 The post Fastlane 12.3 appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

    Fibreglass Swimming Pool Badge - Fastlane

    Fastlane 12.3

    This 12.3m long Fastlane is ideally suited for narrow blocks and serious swimmers. Its custom design options make it a great choice for those who have specific site or design requirements.

    3D Representation

    Fastlane Swimming Pool 3D Representation

    There are many benefits of having a lap pool in your backyard. It offers an unimpeded stretch of water ideally suited to those who want to swim laps and improve their swimming techniques and speed. Fastlane is typically the first choice for future pool owners. Thanks to its slim design, it fits sites that have a narrow space available. With the custom length option, Fastlane can be up to 30m long!

    Some shapes in this range may differ from the 3D design shown. Click on the individual ‘view’ for specific design detail.


    12.26m 2.78m 1.46m 1.46m

    Compass Pools Australia Fibreglass Swimming Pool Shapes - Fastlane 12_3

    Pool 3D Rotation




      Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover



      Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy

      Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover



      Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy


      No Need to Clean Your Swimming Pool

      Let the Compass Vantage pool clean itself. The Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system is an inconspicuous network of cleaning nozzles built into the pool floor and steps (optional). These nozzles take turns to pop up and push water across the pool floor, forcing the dirt, sand and leaves towards the fixed head and MDX main drain for automated removal.

      Read the full story

      Our Pools Are Built Stronger to Last Longer

      All Compass Pools come with a Ceramic Core. When looking at a cross-section of a Compass composite swimming pool, the ceramic core can be clearly seen. It’s this core that sets Compass apart. It’s this core that gives increased panel stiffness and improved impact resistance. It’s this core that ensures you are buying the toughest, most durable and innovative composite pool in the world.

      Read the full story

      Sloping Site Or Difficult Sites Are Not a Problem

      We can build a swimming pool almost anywhere from hillsides, cliffs and even apartment rooftops! Thanks to our award-winning Maxi-rib technology, a system with a set of engineered rib-like structures which support the pool walls when installed above ground, Compass can offer an affordable and reliable option to anyone looking to install a swimming pool on a difficult or sloping site.

      Read the full story

      The post Fastlane 12.3 appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

      Fastlane 10.3 Tue, 12 Dec 2017 01:04:44 +0000 The post Fastlane 10.3 appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

      Fibreglass Swimming Pool Badge - Fastlane

      Fastlane 10.3

      This 10.3m long Fastlane pool is ideally suited for narrow blocks and serious swimmers. its custom design options make it a great choice for those who have specific site or design requirements.

      3D Representation

      Fastlane Swimming Pool 3D Representation

      There are many benefits of having a lap pool in your backyard. It offers an unimpeded stretch of water ideally suited to those who want to swim laps and improve their swimming techniques and speed. Fastlane is typically the first choice for future pool owners. Thanks to its slim design, it fits sites that have a narrow space available. With the custom length option, Fastlane can be up to 30m long!

      Some shapes in this range may differ from the 3D design shown. Click on the individual ‘view’ for specific design detail.


      10.34m 2.78m 1.46m 1.46m

      Compass Pools Australia Fibreglass Swimming Pool Shapes - Fastlane 10_3

      Pool 3D Rotation




        Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover



        Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy

        Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover



        Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy



        No Need to Clean Your Swimming Pool

        Let the Compass Vantage pool clean itself. The Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system is an inconspicuous network of cleaning nozzles built into the pool floor and steps (optional). These nozzles take turns to pop up and push water across the pool floor, forcing the dirt, sand and leaves towards the fixed head and MDX main drain for automated removal.

        Read the full story

        Our Pools Are Built Stronger to Last Longer

        All Compass Pools come with a Ceramic Core. When looking at a cross-section of a Compass composite swimming pool, the ceramic core can be clearly seen. It’s this core that sets Compass apart. It’s this core that gives increased panel stiffness and improved impact resistance. It’s this core that ensures you are buying the toughest, most durable and innovative composite pool in the world.

        Read the full story

        Sloping Site Or Difficult Sites Are Not a Problem

        We can build a swimming pool almost anywhere from hillsides, cliffs and even apartment rooftops! Thanks to our award-winning Maxi-rib technology, a system with a set of engineered rib-like structures which support the pool walls when installed above ground, Compass can offer an affordable and reliable option to anyone looking to install a swimming pool on a difficult or sloping site.

        Read the full story

        The post Fastlane 10.3 appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

        X-Trainer 9.4 Mon, 11 Dec 2017 21:28:19 +0000 X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool is the number one option for many families. It’s great both for fitness and fun – with an unobstructed swimming corridor, a place for kids to rest and a shallow to deep floor. The X-Trainer pool has wide steps on both ends for easy entry and features slip-resistant steps and floor.

        The post X-Trainer 9.4 appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

        Fibreglass Swimming Pool Badge - X-Trainer

        X-Trainer 9.4

        The X-Trainer was designed for fitness and fun. Its rectangular shape suits contemporary architecture and offers you infinite style options. This pool is 9.42m long and 4.2m wide.

        Pool 3D Representation

        X-Trainer fibreglass pool 3D representation

        X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool is the number one option for many families. It’s great both for fitness and fun – with an unobstructed swimming corridor, a place for kids to rest and a shallow to deep floor.

        Some shapes in X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool range may differ from the 3D design shown. Check the 2D shape outline below for specific design detail.

        Swimming Pool Specifications

        9.42m 4.2m 1.07m 1.85m

        Compass Pools Australia Fibreglass Swimming Pools Shapes - X-Trainer 9_4

        Swimming Pool 3D Rotation



          Tip: Drag the slider to the right to see the X-Trainer swimming pool rotating first along the X-axis and then along the Y-axis. Explore the swimming pool shape from all sides: front, rear, right and left side, outer and inner.


          Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover

          FREE INFO PACK


          Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy

          Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover

          FREE INFO PACK


          Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy


          Choose Bi-luminite for your X-Trainer swimming pool so your new pool looks great and lasts long


          If you have any questions about the X-Trainer pool shell, its features and qualities, use the first button below to search for the nearest Compass swimming pools dealer to you or call our 1300 number (1300 667 445). If you like to make your own research before making the decision of starting the swimming pool project, explore our online resources, especially features of our swimming pools, our promise to you and the Pool 101 section. For those preferring to go through the information in a form of a hard copy booklet, click on the second button below and request a free printed pool magazine (pool buyers guide) which contains valuable tips for prospective swimming pool buyers.

          To learn more, watch our 3 videos below explaining the 3 selected benefits of Compass fibreglass swimming pools: The infloor self-cleaning system, ceramic core technology and the Maxi Rib technology enabling the installation of our swimming pools in difficult conditions.

          No Need to Clean Your Swimming Pool

          Let the Compass Vantage pool clean itself. The Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system is an inconspicuous network of cleaning nozzles built into the pool floor and steps (optional). These nozzles take turns to pop up and push water across the pool floor, forcing the dirt, sand and leaves towards the fixed head and MDX main drain for automated removal.

          Read the full story

          Our Pools Are Built Stronger to Last Longer

          All Compass Pools come with a Ceramic Core. When looking at a cross-section of a Compass composite swimming pool, the ceramic core can be clearly seen. It’s this core that sets Compass apart. It’s this core that gives increased panel stiffness and improved impact resistance. It’s this core that ensures you are buying the toughest, most durable and innovative composite pool in the world.

          Read the full story

          Sloping Site Or Difficult Sites Are Not a Problem

          We can build a swimming pool almost anywhere from hillsides, cliffs and even apartment rooftops! Thanks to our award-winning Maxi-rib technology, a system with a set of engineered rib-like structures which support the pool walls when installed above ground, Compass can offer an affordable and reliable option to anyone looking to install a swimming pool on a difficult or sloping site.

          Read the full story

          The post X-Trainer 9.4 appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

          X-Trainer 10.2 Mon, 11 Dec 2017 20:39:05 +0000 X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool is the number one option for many families. It’s great both for fitness and fun – with an unobstructed swimming corridor, a place for kids to rest and a shallow to deep floor. The X-Trainer pool has wide steps on both ends for easy entry and features slip-resistant steps and floor.

          The post X-Trainer 10.2 appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

          Fibreglass Swimming Pool Badge - X-Trainer

          X-Trainer 10.2

          The X-Trainer was designed for fitness and fun. Its rectangular shape suits contemporary architecture and offers you infinite style options. This pool is 10.2m long and 4.2m wide.

          Pool 3D Representation

          X-Trainer fibreglass pool 3D representation

          X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool is the number one option for many families. It’s great both for fitness and fun – with an unobstructed swimming corridor, a place for kids to rest and a shallow to deep floor.

          Some shapes in X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool range may differ from the 3D design shown. Check the 2D shape outline below for specific design detail.

          Swimming Pool Specifications

          10.2m 4.2m 1.09m 1.93m

          Compass Pools Australia Fibreglass Swimming Pools Shapes - X-Trainer 10_2

          Swimming Pool 3D Rotation



            Tip: Drag the slider to the right to see the X-Trainer swimming pool rotating first along the X-axis and then along the Y-axis. Explore the swimming pool shape from all sides: front, rear, right and left side, outer and inner.


            Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover

            FREE INFO PACK


            Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy

            Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover

            FREE INFO PACK


            Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy



            Choose Bi-luminite for your X-Trainer swimming pool so your new pool looks great and lasts long


            If you have any questions about the X-Trainer pool shell, its features and qualities, use the first button below to search for the nearest Compass swimming pools dealer to you or call our 1300 number (1300 667 445). If you like to make your own research before making the decision of starting the swimming pool project, explore our online resources, especially features of our swimming pools, our promise to you and the Pool 101 section. For those preferring to go through the information in a form of a hard copy booklet, click on the second button below and request a free printed pool magazine (pool buyers guide) which contains valuable tips for prospective swimming pool buyers.

            To learn more, watch our 3 videos below explaining the 3 selected benefits of Compass fibreglass swimming pools: The infloor self-cleaning system, ceramic core technology and the Maxi Rib technology enabling the installation of our swimming pools in difficult conditions.

            No Need to Clean Your Swimming Pool

            Let the Compass Vantage pool clean itself. The Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system is an inconspicuous network of cleaning nozzles built into the pool floor and steps (optional). These nozzles take turns to pop up and push water across the pool floor, forcing the dirt, sand and leaves towards the fixed head and MDX main drain for automated removal.

            Read the full story

            Our Pools Are Built Stronger to Last Longer

            All Compass Pools come with a Ceramic Core. When looking at a cross-section of a Compass composite swimming pool, the ceramic core can be clearly seen. It’s this core that sets Compass apart. It’s this core that gives increased panel stiffness and improved impact resistance. It’s this core that ensures you are buying the toughest, most durable and innovative composite pool in the world.

            Read the full story

            Sloping Site Or Difficult Sites Are Not a Problem

            We can build a swimming pool almost anywhere from hillsides, cliffs and even apartment rooftops! Thanks to our award-winning Maxi-rib technology, a system with a set of engineered rib-like structures which support the pool walls when installed above ground, Compass can offer an affordable and reliable option to anyone looking to install a swimming pool on a difficult or sloping site.

            Read the full story

            The post X-Trainer 10.2 appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

            X-Trainer 11.8 Mon, 11 Dec 2017 18:33:23 +0000 X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool is the number one option for many families. It’s great both for fitness and fun – with an unobstructed swimming corridor, a place for kids to rest and a shallow to deep floor. The X-Trainer pool has wide steps on both ends for easy entry and features slip-resistant steps and floor.

            The post X-Trainer 11.8 appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

            Fibreglass Swimming Pool Badge - X-Trainer

            X-Trainer 11.8

            The X-Trainer was designed for fitness and fun. Its rectangular shape suits contemporary architecture and offers you infinite style options. This pool is 11.74m long and 4.2m wide.

            Pool 3D Representation

            X-Trainer fibreglass pool 3D representation

            X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool is the number one option for many families. It’s great both for fitness and fun – with an unobstructed swimming corridor, a place for kids to rest and a shallow to deep floor.

            Some shapes in X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool range may differ from the 3D design shown. Check the 2D shape outline below for specific design detail.

            Swimming Pool Specifications

            11.74m 4.2m 1.09m 1.93m

            Compass Pools Australia Fibreglass Swimming Pools Shapes - X-Trainer 11_8

            Swimming Pool 3D Rotation



              Tip: Drag the slider to the right to see the X-Trainer swimming pool rotating first along the X-axis and then along the Y-axis. Explore the swimming pool shape from all sides: front, rear, right and left side, outer and inner.


              Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover

              FREE INFO PACK

              6 FREQUENT QUESTIONS
              INSTANT DOWNLOAD

              Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy

              Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover

              FREE INFO PACK

              6 FREQUENT QUESTIONS
              INSTANT DOWNLOAD

              Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy


              Choose Bi-luminite for your X-Trainer swimming pool so your new pool looks great and lasts long


              If you have any questions about the X-Trainer pool shell, its features and qualities, use the first button below to search for the nearest Compass swimming pools dealer to you or call our 1300 number (1300 667 445). If you like to make your own research before making the decision of starting the swimming pool project, explore our online resources, especially features of our swimming pools, our promise to you and the Pool 101 section. For those preferring to go through the information in a form of a hard copy booklet, click on the second button below and request a free printed pool magazine (pool buyers guide) which contains valuable tips for prospective swimming pool buyers.

              To learn more, watch our 3 videos below explaining the 3 selected benefits of Compass fibreglass swimming pools: The infloor self-cleaning system, ceramic core technology and the Maxi Rib technology enabling the installation of our swimming pools in difficult conditions.

              No Need to Clean Your Swimming Pool

              Let the Compass Vantage pool clean itself. The Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system is an inconspicuous network of cleaning nozzles built into the pool floor and steps (optional). These nozzles take turns to pop up and push water across the pool floor, forcing the dirt, sand and leaves towards the fixed head and MDX main drain for automated removal.

              Read the full story

              Our Pools Are Built Stronger to Last Longer

              All Compass Pools come with a Ceramic Core. When looking at a cross-section of a Compass composite swimming pool, the ceramic core can be clearly seen. It’s this core that sets Compass apart. It’s this core that gives increased panel stiffness and improved impact resistance. It’s this core that ensures you are buying the toughest, most durable and innovative composite pool in the world.

              Read the full story

              Sloping Site Or Difficult Sites Are Not a Problem

              We can build a swimming pool almost anywhere from hillsides, cliffs and even apartment rooftops! Thanks to our award-winning Maxi-rib technology, a system with a set of engineered rib-like structures which support the pool walls when installed above ground, Compass can offer an affordable and reliable option to anyone looking to install a swimming pool on a difficult or sloping site.

              Read the full story

              The post X-Trainer 11.8 appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

              Vogue 10.2 Mon, 11 Dec 2017 17:51:08 +0000 This uniquely designed swimming pool offers something special for all ages, with an unobstructed swimming corridor for those who enjoy fitness and fun. Some models of the Vogue pool may differ from the 3D design shown. Click on ‘View’ for specific design detail.

              The post Vogue 10.2 appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

              Fibreglass Swimming Pool Badge - Vogue Pool Shape

              Vogue 10.2

              The pinnacle in contemporary pool design, making it the perfect centrepiece for your landscaped entertaining area. Its modern shape is enhanced by the symmetry of centrally positioned entry steps and bench seat, combining style and functionality. This Vogue pool is 10.2m long.

              Vogue is one of our most popular fibreglass pools. Its centrally positioned entry steps combine style and functionality. The step ledge not only gives children a place to rest but is a great safety feature. Swimouts and wide steps at both ends are ideal relaxation zones. Both the swimming pool floor and the steps are slip resistant. With the length of 10.2m and a narrow width of 4.2m, this Vogue pool has great dimensions to swim laps. All models of this swimming pool range are 1.09m deep at the shallow end.

              3D Representation

              Compass Pools Australia Fibreglass Pool Shape Vogue 3D Representation 1

              This uniquely designed swimming pool offers something special for all ages, with an unobstructed swimming corridor for those who enjoy fitness and fun.

              Some models of the Vogue pool may differ from the 3D design shown. See the pool outline below for specific design detail.

              Pool Specifications

              10.2m 4.2m 1.09m 1.93m

              Compass Pools Australia Fibreglass Swimming Pools Shapes - Vogue 10.20m

              Our Vogue Pool Range

              Swimming Pool 3D Rotation




                Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover

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                6 FREQUENT QUESTIONS
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                Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy

                Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover

                FREE INFO PACK

                6 FREQUENT QUESTIONS
                INSTANT DOWNLOAD

                Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy


                So that your Vogue swimming pool looks better and lasts longer

                No Need to Clean Your Swimming Pool

                Let the Compass Vantage pool clean itself. The Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system is an inconspicuous network of cleaning nozzles built into the pool floor and steps (optional). These nozzles take turns to pop up and push water across the pool floor, forcing the dirt, sand and leaves towards the fixed head and MDX main drain for automated removal.

                Read the full story

                Our Pools Are Built Stronger to Last Longer

                All Compass Pools come with a Ceramic Core. When looking at a cross-section of a Compass composite swimming pool, the ceramic core can be clearly seen. It’s this core that sets Compass apart. It’s this core that gives increased panel stiffness and improved impact resistance. It’s this core that ensures you are buying the toughest, most durable and innovative composite pool in the world.

                Read the full story

                Sloping Site Or Difficult Sites Are Not a Problem

                We can build a swimming pool almost anywhere from hillsides, cliffs and even apartment rooftops! Thanks to our award-winning Maxi-rib technology, a system with a set of engineered rib-like structures which support the pool walls when installed above ground, Compass can offer an affordable and reliable option to anyone looking to install a swimming pool on a difficult or sloping site.

                Read the full story

                The post Vogue 10.2 appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

                Vogue 9.4 Mon, 11 Dec 2017 17:47:23 +0000 This uniquely designed swimming pool offers something special for all ages, with an unobstructed swimming corridor for those who enjoy fitness and fun. Some models of the Vogue pool may differ from the 3D design shown. Click on ‘View’ for specific design detail.

                The post Vogue 9.4 appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

                Fibreglass Swimming Pool Badge - Vogue Pool Shape

                Vogue 9.4

                The pinnacle in contemporary pool design, making it the perfect centrepiece for your landscaped entertaining area. Its modern shape is enhanced by the symmetry of centrally positioned entry steps and bench seat, combining style and functionality. This Vogue pool is 9.4m long.

                Vogue is one of our most popular fibreglass pools. Its centrally positioned entry steps combine style and functionality. The step ledge not only gives children a place to rest but is a great safety feature. Swimouts and wide steps at both ends are ideal relaxation zones. Both the swimming pool floor and the steps are slip resistant. With the length of 9.4m and a narrow width of 4.2m, this Vogue pool has great dimensions to swim laps. All models of this swimming pool range are 1.09m deep at the shallow end.

                3D Representation

                Compass Pools Australia Fibreglass Pool Shape Vogue 3D Representation 1

                This uniquely designed swimming pool offers something special for all ages, with an unobstructed swimming corridor for those who enjoy fitness and fun.

                Some models of the Vogue pool may differ from the 3D design shown. See the pool outline below for specific design detail.

                Pool Specifications

                9.4m 4.2m 1.09m 1.86m

                Compass Pools Australia Fibreglass Swimming Pools Shapes - Vogue 9.40m

                Our Vogue Pool Range

                Swimming Pool 3D Rotation




                  Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover

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                  6 FREQUENT QUESTIONS
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                  Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy

                  Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover

                  FREE INFO PACK

                  6 FREQUENT QUESTIONS
                  INSTANT DOWNLOAD

                  Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy



                  So that your Vogue swimming pool looks better and lasts longer

                  No Need to Clean Your Swimming Pool

                  Let the Compass Vantage pool clean itself. The Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system is an inconspicuous network of cleaning nozzles built into the pool floor and steps (optional). These nozzles take turns to pop up and push water across the pool floor, forcing the dirt, sand and leaves towards the fixed head and MDX main drain for automated removal.

                  Read the full story

                  Our Pools Are Built Stronger to Last Longer

                  All Compass Pools come with a Ceramic Core. When looking at a cross-section of a Compass composite swimming pool, the ceramic core can be clearly seen. It’s this core that sets Compass apart. It’s this core that gives increased panel stiffness and improved impact resistance. It’s this core that ensures you are buying the toughest, most durable and innovative composite pool in the world.

                  Read the full story

                  Sloping Site Or Difficult Sites Are Not a Problem

                  We can build a swimming pool almost anywhere from hillsides, cliffs and even apartment rooftops! Thanks to our award-winning Maxi-rib technology, a system with a set of engineered rib-like structures which support the pool walls when installed above ground, Compass can offer an affordable and reliable option to anyone looking to install a swimming pool on a difficult or sloping site.

                  Read the full story

                  The post Vogue 9.4 appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

                  Pool Shape: Fastlane Fri, 20 Jan 2017 07:30:13 +0000 The Fastlane fibreglass lap pool is ideally suited for narrow blocks and serious swimmers. its custom design options make it a great choice for those who have specific site or design requirements.

                  The post Pool Shape: Fastlane appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


                  Fastlane Lap Pool

                  Swim laps in your own pool

                  3D Representation

                  Fastlane Swimming Pool 3D Representation

                  The Fastlane is ideally suited for narrow blocks and serious swimmers. its custom design options make it a great choice for those who have specific site or design requirements. With the custom length option, Fastlane can be up to 30m long!

                  Some shapes in this range may differ from the 3D design shown. Click on the individual ‘view’ for specific design detail.


                  WordPress Data Table


                  Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover

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                  Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy

                  GET IT NOW
                  Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover

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                  6 FREQUENT QUESTIONS
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                  Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy


                  Fastlane pool projects with more details

                  Explore some of the Fastlane pool installations with more details on every project to help you make the best decision on your new Fastlane pool

                  No Need to Clean Your Swimming Pool

                  Let the Compass Vantage pool clean itself. The Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system is an inconspicuous network of cleaning nozzles built into the pool floor and steps (optional). These nozzles take turns to pop up and push water across the pool floor, forcing the dirt, sand and leaves towards the fixed head and MDX main drain for automated removal.

                  Read the full story

                  Our Pools Are Built Stronger to Last Longer

                  All Compass Pools come with a Ceramic Core. When looking at a cross-section of a Compass composite swimming pool, the ceramic core can be clearly seen. It’s this core that sets Compass apart. It’s this core that gives increased panel stiffness and improved impact resistance. It’s this core that ensures you are buying the toughest, most durable and innovative composite pool in the world.

                  Read the full story

                  Sloping Site Or Difficult Sites Are Not a Problem

                  We can build a swimming pool almost anywhere from hillsides, cliffs and even apartment rooftops! Thanks to our award-winning Maxi-rib technology, a system with a set of engineered rib-like structures which support the pool walls when installed above ground, Compass can offer an affordable and reliable option to anyone looking to install a swimming pool on a difficult or sloping site.

                  Read the full story

                  The post Pool Shape: Fastlane appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

                  Pool Shape: X-Trainer Tue, 29 Nov 2016 21:44:29 +0000 X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool is the number one option for many families. It’s great both for fitness and fun – with an unobstructed swimming corridor, a place for kids to rest and a shallow to deep floor.

                  The post Pool Shape: X-Trainer appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


                  X-Trainer Pool

                  Designed for fitness and fun

                  Pool 3D Representation

                  Compass Pools Australia 3D Representation of the X Trainer fibreglass pool shape

                  X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool is the number one option for many families. It’s great both for fitness and fun – with an unobstructed swimming corridor, a place for kids to rest and a shallow to deep floor.

                  Some shapes in X-Trainer fibreglass swimming pool range may differ from the 3D design shown. Click on the individual ‘view’ for specific design detail.

                  Swimming Pool Specifications

                  WordPress Data Table

                  Swimming Pool 3D Rotation



                    Tip: Drag the slider to the right to see the X-Trainer swimming pool rotating first along the X-axis and then along the Y-axis. Explore the swimming pool shape from all sides: front, rear, right and left side, outer and inner.


                    Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover

                    FREE INFO PACK

                    6 FREQUENT QUESTIONS

                    INSTANT DOWNLOAD

                    Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy

                    GET IT NOW
                    Compass Pools Australia Free Info Pack Cover

                    FREE INFO PACK

                    6 FREQUENT QUESTIONS
                    INSTANT DOWNLOAD

                    Answers to questions anybody thinking of buying a pool should ask themselves before choosing which pool to buy


                    Choose Bi-luminite for your X-Trainer swimming pool so your new pool looks great and lasts long


                    X-Trainer pool projects with more details

                    Explore some of the X-Trainer pool installations with more details on every project to help you make the best decision on your new X-Trainer pool

                    If you have any questions about the X-Trainer pool shell, its features and qualities, use the first button below to search for the nearest Compass swimming pools dealer to you or call our 1300 number (1300 667 445). If you like to make your own research before making the decision of starting the swimming pool project, explore our online resources, especially features of our swimming pools, our promise to you and the Pool 101 section. For those preferring to go through the information in a form of a hard copy booklet, click on the second button below and request a free printed pool magazine (pool buyers guide) which contains valuable tips for prospective swimming pool buyers.

                    To learn more, watch our 3 videos below explaining the 3 selected benefits of Compass fibreglass swimming pools: The infloor self-cleaning system, ceramic core technology and the Maxi Rib technology enabling the installation of our swimming pools in difficult conditions.

                    No Need to Clean Your Swimming Pool

                    Let the Compass Vantage pool clean itself. The Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system is an inconspicuous network of cleaning nozzles built into the pool floor and steps (optional). These nozzles take turns to pop up and push water across the pool floor, forcing the dirt, sand and leaves towards the fixed head and MDX main drain for automated removal.

                    Read the full story

                    Our Pools Are Built Stronger to Last Longer

                    All Compass Pools come with a Ceramic Core. When looking at a cross-section of a Compass composite swimming pool, the ceramic core can be clearly seen. It’s this core that sets Compass apart. It’s this core that gives increased panel stiffness and improved impact resistance. It’s this core that ensures you are buying the toughest, most durable and innovative composite pool in the world.

                    Read the full story

                    Sloping Site Or Difficult Sites Are Not a Problem

                    We can build a swimming pool almost anywhere from hillsides, cliffs and even apartment rooftops! Thanks to our award-winning Maxi-rib technology, a system with a set of engineered rib-like structures which support the pool walls when installed above ground, Compass can offer an affordable and reliable option to anyone looking to install a swimming pool on a difficult or sloping site.

                    Read the full story

                    The post Pool Shape: X-Trainer appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.
