Pool size – Compass Pools Australia https://www.compasspools.com.au Home of the Self Cleaning Pool Wed, 21 Apr 2021 05:45:51 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.9 Why you should think like a pool owner when buying a swimming pool https://www.compasspools.com.au/101/think-like-a-pool-owner-when-buying-a-swimming-pool/ Fri, 08 Nov 2019 17:57:24 +0000 https://www.compasspools.com.au/?p=20393 Buying a swimming pool can be a really exciting experience, but if you want to be sure that you remain happy with your choices for years to come, it pays to put yourself in the shoes of a pool owner rather than a pool buyer. When buying a swimming pool there are natural and obvious things to think about. Careful consideration should go into important aspects like shape, size, colour, location ...

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Buying a swimming pool can be a really exciting experience, but if you want to be sure that you remain happy with your choices for years to come, it pays to put yourself in the shoes of a pool owner rather than a pool buyer.

What to consider when buying a swimming pool

When buying a swimming pool there are natural and obvious things to think about. Careful consideration should go into important aspects like:

  • Shape
  • Size
  • Colour
  • Location in backyard
  • Salt vs Chlorine
  • Lighting
  • Price

Although these seem like the most important considerations, truth be told, these factors become less important to you once the pool is in the ground and the novelty has worn off.

Ask any pool owner who has an inkling of dissatisfaction with and they usually say things like:

  • “We don’t use it as much as we would have liked”
  • “The kids never clean it so it’s just another job for me”
  • “It costs more than I thought it would to run”
  • “We’ve had to do a bit more pool maintenance than we’d like”
  • “It doesn’t look as good as it used to”

In other words; what matters to you most once the pool is in the ground, is often different to what matters to you most when you are choosing which pool to buy.

Make your swimming pool always look shiny with the right choices

With that said, here’s a few things you might like to think about when weighing up your options:

What does life look like for you as a pool owner?

Most of the people we talk to, tell us that their dream of having a pool looks like enjoying fun and relaxing times with friends and family. In fact, the picture people most often describe is resort style living at home. Before making your choice, it’s a good idea to get an understanding of what time,effort and cost might be required from you from a pool maintenance point of view.

If you find yourself having to regularly clean your pool, or prepare it for swimming before jumping in each time, will you end up using it less than you envisaged?

This is where a self-cleaning system like Vantage can come in handy. The pool is always clean. There is almost no need to manually vacuum. There’s no mucking about with pool cleaners and you never have to do any work before you swim!

What will you really be using the pool for?

Spend some time considering what you’ll use the pool for. Is it exercise, casual relaxing swims, or fun and games? Knowing how you’ll spend your time in the pool will help you chose the right shape and will go a long way to ensuring you use the pool more!

Swimming laps or relaxing how will you use your pool as a pool owner

How important is it that running costs and pool maintenance costs are kept low?

The ongoing costs associated with running your pool can become a bug-bear for some people – the good news is that if you think about it during the process of buying a swimming pool you can make choices that keep your pool maintenance and running costs to an absolute minimum.

There tend to be three cost centres when it comes to swimming pool ownership:

  1. Electricity to run your pumps/filtration equipment (and heating systems if applicable)
  2. Chemicals to keep your pool water balanced and safe to swim in
  3. Maintenance to keep your pool looking like new

Arguably, the most important factor that influences the above cost centres is pool filtration. Put simply, the better your circulation system, the less it costs to run your pool.

When a pool is fully circulated from top to bottom, you do not experience stratification of the water (this is where you get a layer of warm water at the top and colder water beneath). Instead, all water is properly mixed meaning the warmer surface water is mixed with the colder deep water and bug cleaning agents are thoroughly mixed throughout the pool. Highly circulated pools have a more even water temperature, use less chemicals and lose less heat. The Compass Vantage system, for example, reduces chemical consumption by approximately half of what you would expect to use on a standard eyeball and skimmer (traditional) pool filtration system.

Another good way to reduce ongoing pool running costs is to consider the equipment you use on your pool. These days pool management equipment is more advanced than ever.

Energy efficient pumps can dramatically cut electricity consumption, but it is important that you remember these pumps run at lower speeds and can compromise circulation. If you opt for an energy efficient pump you should always couple it with an enhanced circulation and pool filtration system. This will help to ensure that you keep costs low without compromising water quality.

Smart chemical dosing systems also help to reduce the time and cost involved with looking after a pool. Salt chlorinators, pH monitoring systems and automated chlorine feeders can take away the leg work and ensure your pool maintains the right chemical balance.

Another thing to consider in this regard, is the quality of your equipment. If you end up with under-spec’d gear, then everything becomes harder to manage. If your pumps are too small or your filter is inadequate, then your pool will be at higher risk of going green which will cost you more in the long run. Similarly, cheap gear might save you money now, but if you are constantly repairing or replacing equipment you will have regrets!

And on the topic of long-term maintenance; make sure you do your homework. Concrete and Vinyl liner pools tend to require regular maintenance like re-surfacing and re-lining. Most fibreglass pools require very little maintenance other than simple cleaning and water balance management.

Consider self cleaning pool to minimise pool maintenance cost and effort

What will your pool be like 2, 5 even 10 years from now?

One thing we like to remind people of, is that we actually spend more time looking at our pools than we do swimming in them! Your pool will become a major visual feature of your home and it should be enjoyed year-round.

All pools look great at the beginning of their lifetime, but not all will stand the test of time. It pays to do some research so that you can satisfy yourself that what you buy today will still look great well into the future.

Ask about cosmetic and structural warranties and then look for product reviews to ensure you are buying a quality product. Did you know that every single Compass Pool is made with strict quality control conditions to ensure we can offer a pool that lasts a lifetime?

Each and every pool is allocated a unique number tracked throughout the build process right down to the tiniest detail. This helps us ensure that every pool that leaves the factory will perform as we promise!

Will your pool be attractive to the next owners when you sell your home?

It always pays to consider how your pool will impact on the sale of your home when the time comes to move on. The more a potential buyer sees the pool as an asset (and not a liability) the better the chances of your pool contributing to a higher sale price.

Here’s some tips to ensure your pool is attractive to the next people:

  1. Consider how they will use it – choose a size and shape that appeals to the masses.
  2. Keep running costs low – the cheaper a pool is to run the more people like it.
  3. Take the hard work away – the less time and energy the pool requires the happier people feel about owning it.
  4. Remove the risk – look for a pool with solid warranties that can be passed on to the new owners!

Thinking like a pool owner enables you select a pool that will look great in years to come


To sum up I’ll leave you with this thought:

The average pool buyer ends up having their pool for 10 years (120 months). The process of buying and installing a swimming pool takes up only a few of those months. Yes, you have to get the basic obvious stuff right. But if you really want to maximise the value of your pool and be totally satisfied that you have made the right choice you need to think about the factors that will impact your enjoyment for the remaining  months after you buy the pool!

If you would like some guidance through the decision-making process, then get in touch with your local Compass Pools dealer. Our pool consultants can take a look at your backyard and then sit with you and discuss what is really important to you. They will then make recommendations so that you end up with a setup that is right for you. The best part is that it is free and there is absolutely no obligation or expectation for you to buy a pool…so why wouldn’t you?

How Much would YOUR POOL Cost?

Plunge pool, family pool or a lap pool? Fill in your details to find out how much a Compass Pool would cost at your place. No obligations!

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The post Why you should think like a pool owner when buying a swimming pool appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

Backyard Pools: How to Make Your Pool a Success https://www.compasspools.com.au/news/pool-ideas/backyard-pools-how-to-make-your-pool-a-success/ https://www.compasspools.com.au/news/pool-ideas/backyard-pools-how-to-make-your-pool-a-success/#respond Wed, 14 Nov 2018 06:27:29 +0000 https://www.compasspools.com.au/?p=18994 Backyard pools are an integral part of the Australian outdoor lifestyle. There’s no better feeling than plunging into your own pool and enjoying the water with family and friends. But how can you make sure your pool is a stunning design feature that will continue to bring you happiness for many years to come?Here, we take a look at the phenomenon of the backyard pool and offer our hints and tips for creating a perfect pool of your own.

The post Backyard Pools: How to Make Your Pool a Success appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


Backyard pools are an integral part of the Australian outdoor lifestyle. There’s no better feeling than plunging into your own pool and enjoying the water with family and friends. But why do we love our swimming pools so much? And how can you make sure your pool is a stunning design feature that will continue to bring you happiness for many years to come?

Here, we take a look at the phenomenon of the backyard pool and offer our hints and tips for creating a perfect pool of your own.

Why We Love Backyard Pools

Outdoor living is extremely important to Australians — we see our yards as an extension of the home. A pool gives this important space a new dimension that adds value to our lifestyles. It is a place to relax and spend quality time with the people we love. We can teach the kids to swim, and enjoy playing family games in the water.

A backyard pool is also a great social space. We never need an excuse for a pool party during the summer months! Owning a pool gives you an extra incentive for inviting friends round to enjoy the water with you.

Having your own pool also improves your health and well-being. Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise, as you use almost all the muscles in your body to push against the resistance of the water. It’s great for getting fit, toning up, and keeping your weight at a healthy level — and it’s good for the heart and lungs as well.

In today’s increasingly fast-paced world, we need a haven of calm where we can take some time out and relax. A backyard pool is ideal for this, as water has been shown to have several important calming effects on the body. It lowers the blood pressure, relieves stress and anxiety, and improves the quality of our sleep, leaving us feeling more refreshed and ready to face the challenges of the day ahead.

As well as making you feel better personally, a pool is a standout feature that will add value to your home. It is one of the main attractions for Australian home buyers and renters when they are searching for properties. If your pool is attractive and well maintained, it will boost your property’s value as well as adding to its instant visual appeal.

Which Type of Backyard Pool to Choose

Your home should be a reflection of your personality, and your pool is an important part of this. It is also a large investment, so it is important to think carefully about what you need from a pool before you make a decision. There are a number of important factors that you need to consider.

1. What Will Your Pool Be Used for?

We all use our backyard pools in different ways, so it is essential to choose a pool that meets your needs. If you have a family or a large group of friends who are likely to be using your pool on a regular basis, the most sensible option would be a family pool. These are large pools with plenty of swimming space, but they also contain seating areas and a number of important safety features to make them ideal for children as well as adults.

Serious swimmers who want to concentrate on swimming laps and improving their lap times might prefer to purchase a lap pool. Long and narrow in shape, lap pools are designed to give a clear stretch of water, ideal for swimming laps. They comfortably accommodate one or two people at a time, but are not such a practical choice for families with children, who need the extra width to play games in the pool.

If your pool will mainly be used for relaxation purposes, you might also want to include the option of hydrotherapy jets. These are used to treat pain and assist with recovery from muscular injuries, and also with relieving stress and anxiety. If this is a facility you would like in your backyard, a pool and spa combination might be the right choice for you. This is a regular pool with a separate spa section, giving you the options of enjoying both swimming and hydrotherapy whenever you choose.

2. What Is the Size and Shape of Your Backyard?

This is an extremely important consideration, as it dictates the material that your pool can be made from. If your backyard is fairly regular in shape and you are looking for an attractive pool that you do not want to customise too much, a fibreglass pool is probably the best option. Tough, durable and built to withstand even the most extreme Australian weather types, fibreglass pools are also a relatively cost-effective option that can be installed in a matter of days. However, as these are off-the-shelf solutions manufactured in factories, they are not always suitable for backyards that are unusually shaped, and there are only limited customisation options. Fibreglass pools do come in a wide range of lengths, widths, and depths, though, and there are a great many designs and colour choices available.

If your backyard is an irregular shape that does not suit any of the available fibreglass options, or if you have a specific vision in mind of how you want your pool to look, then a concrete pool is a more practical choice for you. These are built from scratch in your backyard, so the installation process can take weeks or even months, but the finished product can be any size and shape you choose — it’s a truly bespoke solution.

3. What Is Your Budget?

Needless to say, this is the first thing you should consider when choosing a backyard pool. It is essential to sit down and work out exactly what you can afford before committing to anything.

Backyard pools made of fibreglass tend to cost significantly less than concrete pools, as a concrete pool has to be constructed from scratch on your property, so there is a lot more work involved. A concrete pool will also have to be either tiled or pebbled, unlike a fibreglass pool, which has a protective gel-coated surface pre-installed. This adds even more to the cost of a concrete pool in comparison.

However, the cost of the pool itself is only the beginning. You also need to consider related costs such as lighting, heating, and cleaning systems for your pool. There are a wide range of options available, so you will need to consult with your pool specialist, who will be able to advise you on the most appropriate choices for your individual property.

Finally, the area around the pool will need to be landscaped to ensure it looks its best and provides a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone who uses the pool. The cost of landscaping, as well as that of installing the required safety fencing that meets legislative standards in your state or territory, also need to be factored into the overall cost of your pool.

Choosing the Right Positioning for Your Pool

The position of your pool will have an impact on its appearance and functionality. It is important to plan the positioning of your backyard pool before the installation process begins.

Choose a sheltered spot that offers privacy to you and other swimmers using your pool. This will have the added advantage of sheltering your pool from the wind, so it will feel warmer. If you can achieve all of this in a location that faces north and gets plenty of sunlight, then you have a real winner, as your pool will feel warm and pleasant to swim in for many months of the year.

If your backyard is quite small, you can make the most of the space by positioning the pool alongside one of your property’s other features, such as a fence or even the house itself. Ideally, position your pool at the point where your backyard has its longest span to create an impression of more space.

You should also give some consideration to the views of your pool from different locations in the yard and from inside your home. Your pool will be the main focal point of your backyard, so it is important to position it in a way that makes it look attractive from all angles.

If your backyard slopes or your property has stunning views of the natural environment or the city, you might want to consider an infinity pool. Sloping sites are ideal for this, as a slope makes the “disappearing edge” of the pool look as if it is actually falling away. To create an infinity pool, part of your pool will need to be constructed above ground, so you will need to consult with your pool specialist to choose the ideal positioning for your pool.

Backyard Pools: Getting the Landscaping Right

For a backyard pool design to be truly attractive and ultimately functional, you have to give careful thought to the landscaping design around the pool area. Depending on the size and shape of your backyard and the type of pool you have chosen, the landscaping can either be done at the same time as the pool installation or once the pool itself is complete.

The first thing you need to consider here is safety. The fencing around the pool area must meet Australian Standard AS 1926 so as to ensure the area is safe for children. The design must also have no large objects such as chairs or tables located close to the pool fences, as young kids could climb on these to get over, resulting in a safety hazard. It is also a good idea to make sure any paving or tiling around the pool area is slip-resistant to add an extra element of safety.

Once you have ensured your design is safe and meets all regulations, it’s time to consider what else you want to do with the space. Does the area around the pool have room for enough seating, so everyone who will be using the pool has the option of relaxing in the sun when they get out of the water? Do you want to create a decking area, or will the whole of the patio be tiled or paved? Will you be planting any trees or shrubs close to the pool?

Additionally, you should think about how practically the space can be used for entertaining guests, as you might want to host a pool party or two! Is there room for a barbeque and a dining area with chairs and tables? You might even choose to create a fully-functional outdoor kitchen with a cooker, fridge, and food preparation area. You will need to make sure this is not located too close to the pool and that all flooring is safe and easy to clean.

The landscaping is where you can truly put your personal stamp on the design of your backyard pool area. A great design will suit the layout and size of your backyard, function exactly as you need it to, and highlight the pool as the main aesthetic feature of your yard.

Need More Help Choosing the Perfect Backyard Pool?

With so many factors to consider, choosing the right pool for your backyard can often be a difficult process. But when you get it right, it opens a new, exciting chapter in your life. If you would like more assistance, our team of highly experienced pool specialists is always happy to offer help and advice. Please contact us for more information.

The post Backyard Pools: How to Make Your Pool a Success appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

https://www.compasspools.com.au/news/pool-ideas/backyard-pools-how-to-make-your-pool-a-success/feed/ 0
What influences the cost of a swimming pool? https://www.compasspools.com.au/101/what-influences-the-cost-of-a-swimming-pool/ Wed, 10 Jan 2018 20:21:31 +0000 http://www.compasspools.com.au/?p=12347 Sometimes it can be hard to answer the question “how much will my pool cost” straight off the cuff. The reason for this is simple, each and every backyard is different and there are a number of things that can influence the overall cost of a pool project. Take our most common pool for example; the 8.2 X-Trainer swimming pool. This pool can be installed, with lights and filtration equipment or around $35,000 ...

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Sometimes it can be hard to answer the question “how much will my pool cost” straight off the cuff. The reason for this is simple, each and every backyard is different and there are a number of things that can influence the over-all cost of a pool project.

Take our most common pool for example; the 8.2 X-Trainer swimming pool. This pool can be installed, with pool lights and filtration equipment or around $35,000 but it is not uncommon for people to spend $50,000 or more by adding in extras like the vantage self-cleaning system, heat pumps and pool covers.

Some of the things that can influence the cost of your pool project

1. The size of the pool you buy

As you would expect, the total cost of a pool installation increases with the size of the pool. This is not only because of extra materials used in the construction of your pool shell, but also because of the added work onsite. For example, your excavation and soil removal costs grow too. Generally speaking, it is fair to assume that you will need to budget between $3000-$5000 when upgrading from one size pool to the next. This may be one of the reasons of an increased popularity of our Plunge pools over the past few years.

2. Access to your back yard

Most jobs are pretty straight forward, and even if you do have difficult access it doesn’t mean it’s going to cost an arm and a leg to come up with a solution. Poor access for diggers and soil removal trucks can make the job a little harder. The easier it is for your pool builder to get machinery (and your pool) onto site, the cheaper your pool project will be. Trickier jobs may require the use of a crane or other specialist equipment which can add to you total project cost.

3. The site where you want your pool

The most cost effective place to install a pool tends to be a flat area of your backyard. This is because you can minimise the amount of ground work/ landscaping that may be needed to create your ideal pool-scape. In the past, fibreglass pools have been limited to simple installations on flat sites. If you had a sloping site the only real option was to opt for a concrete pool. With the invention of Maxi Rib technology you can now put a Compass Fibreglass Pool anywhere from Hillsides to rooftops. Choosing a Compass Maxi Rib pool often works out much cheaper than opting for a complex-engineered concrete option. In fact some people report that the cost savings can be many thousands of dollars. Moreover, it allows us to build infinity edge swimming pools.

4. Ground conditions

In most cases the soil in your backyard will be more than fine for a straight-forward pool installation. In backyards where there is a high water table, soft or reactive soils, or rock beneath the surface, extra work is often required. It can be helpful to pass on any information you may have about the soil conditions in your backyard while working with your pool consultant. This will help you avoid any surprise costs further down the track.

5. The quality of your pool shell

You could be forgiven for thinking that all fibreglass pools are made the same way. The truth is there can be a huge difference between one pool brand and the next. More expensive pool shells usually cost more for a reason. The most reliable and resilient resins for example can be two to three times more expensive that standard options. Added technology (such as the unique Compass Ceramic core) add extra cost but, enable you to enjoy greater peace of mind in the long run.

6. Your preferred operating system

Not all pools are created equal. In fact, we believe that the way you choose to look after your water is one of the most important decisions you’ll make throughout the process of buying your pool. You see, pools have traditionally been circulated using the industry-standard eyeball and skimmer system. This system is known to consume more power, require more chemicals, and demand more upkeep from pool owners. To help reduce ongoing running costs, (and make your pool easier to run and healthier to swim in) we have introduced two amazing pool operating systems to the market. The Vantage self-cleaning and circulation system takes away all of the hard work involved with looking after your pool. Not only does Vantage remove the need for manual cleaning (yes it really does clean itself!), it also dramatically boosts circulation which prevents algae and bacteria growth. Another alternative to traditional circulation is our exclusive Logic system which is designed to slash power consumption and maximise circulation at the same time. Both of these systems may require an initial investment in the beginning, but they also have the ability to save you money and time for the rest of your time as a pool owner.

7. The optional extras

As you can imagine, there’s a huge variety of optional extras that you can add to your pool package. From covers to heat pumps, water features and programmable LED lights. These days your options are almost endless, you can even choose to add automated systems which monitor your chlorine and pH levels and dose your pool with the necessary additives to keep your water balanced and safe to swim in.

Other costs to consider

Most pool dealers will price their base pool package to include the following items:

  • Excavation and removal of soil
  • Supply and installation of pool shell
  • A concrete beam to lock your pool in place
  • Basic pool lighting
  • A pool pump
  • Filtration equipment

When developing your overall swimming pool budget you will want to not only plan for your base pool package but for all stages of your backyard pool project. This includes any optional extras (like heat pumps etc.) as well as surrounding landscaping options. In general terms landscaping may include pool fencing, concreting, paving, or decking to create and ideal surround for your pool area.

The best way to get a clear understanding of what it will cost to put a pool in your backyard is to meet with a professional Pool Consultant. A typical consultation will involve getting a pool builder to view your site in person. They will then sit with you and thoroughly discuss your plans; during this conversation they will ask questions so that they get a true understanding of what will be important to you in the long run. Once they get a clear understanding of your needs, they will make a recommendation of what options will work best for you. If you agree they will then be able to give you a detailed quote to help you with your budgeting process.

If you would like to arrange for a Compass Pools dealer to visit your home click here. Explore our swimming pools to choose the one that suits your requirements and explore pool design ideas.

How Much would YOUR POOL Cost?

Plunge pool, family pool or a lap pool? Fill in your details to find out how much a Compass Pool would cost at your place. No obligations!

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Swimming Pool Shape And Sizes For Different Use & Purposes https://www.compasspools.com.au/faq/swimming-pool-design-and-features/pool-shapes-pool-sizes/ Thu, 07 May 2015 06:01:10 +0000 http://www.compasspools.com.au/?p=7758 A lot of people who come into the display centre to have a bit of a chat about what sort of pool might be right for them, the first question they always want to talk about is what shape or what size is going to fit in their block or the space that they’ve got in mind.

That is important definitely, obviously for what is going to fit in the area that you’ve got. But more importantly, or just as importantly, is how you see yourself using your pool. If you’ve got a heap of kids and you’re imagining it’s going to be pool party at your place every weekend, then you want to make sure that you’ve got a really kid-friendly pool. What that means is a nice say, a 7, 8, 9 metre pool is perfect for a big family, great for kids.

The post Swimming Pool Shape And Sizes For Different Use & Purposes appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


Video transcription: A lot of people who come into the display centre to have a bit of a chat about what sort of pool might be right for them, the first question they always want to talk about is what shape or what size is going to fit in their block or the space that they’ve got in mind.

That is important definitely, obviously for what is going to fit in the area that you’ve got. But more importantly, or just as importantly, is how you see yourself using your pool. If you’ve got a heap of kids and you’re imagining it’s going to be pool party at your place every weekend, then you want to make sure that you’ve got a really kid-friendly pool. What that means is a nice say, a 7, 8, 9 metre pool is perfect for a big family, great for kids.

If you’ve got a shallow to deep, that’s great for kids. They do like to have that deeper spot they jump in. If they’re the type of kids though who just want to put the volleyball net up and be playing games against each other, then the deep in the middle pool is great for them.

Little kids love having somewhere to hold onto all around the edge of the pool. There’s a safety step ledge around all of our pools which makes it really easy for them to do that. Or if you’ve got someone who might have had an injury or has a bad back, a nice idea might be to pop a hand rail on to that pool to assist them in using the pool.

Really shapes and sizes don’t just come down to the space that you’ve got, it’s how you see yourself using your pool. I would have a good think about that prior to locking anything in. Give one of the team a call today on 1300 667 445.

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