Benefits of owning a pool – Compass Pools Australia Home of the Self Cleaning Pool Fri, 17 Jun 2022 07:44:54 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 3 Effective Steps to a Swimmer’s Body: Exercises for Swimmers and Beyond Mon, 06 Apr 2020 00:54:53 +0000 Champion swimmers look amazing. They’re slim, toned and fit, and many of us have looked at them in envy. But are their appearances and abilities all genetic luck, or are there things you can do to achieve a swimmer's body? If you’re one of the many people who have wondered how to get a swimmer's body, this article is here to help you.

The post 3 Effective Steps to a Swimmer’s Body: Exercises for Swimmers and Beyond appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

Champion swimmers look amazing. They’re slim, toned and fit, and many of us have looked at them in envy. But are their appearances and abilities all genetic luck, or are there things you can do to achieve a swimmer’s body?

If you’re one of the many people who have wondered how to get a swimmer’s body, this article is here to help you. You might not achieve an Olympic gold medal – but you’ll definitely impress a few people on the beach!

What makes a swimmer body?

If you have looked at champion swimmers, you will have noticed that the male swimmer’s body and the female swimmer’s body have a lot of things in common:

1. They’re tall

Top male and female swimmers all tend to be tall. Many female swimmers are around 1.83 metres in height, with male swimmers usually even taller. A tall physique helps to improve swimming performance for a number of reasons:

  • If you’re tall, it takes less strength and effort to move through the water, so you can keep swimming for longer without getting tired.
  • A longer length of swimmer results in reduced wave drag, so the shape of a taller swimmer is more efficient in the pool.

2 They have long limbs

The classic swimmer body has long limbs and a long torso, usually with big hands and feet. Large hands on the ends of long arms act like oars, pushing the swimmer through the water more effectively. Large feet also help with propulsion because they work like fins.

3. They are toned without bulky muscles

The swimmer physique tends to be lean and toned. The muscles are defined without being too bulky. Certain muscles are noticeably more defined than others. These are:

  • Shoulders. We all associate the swimmer’s body with broad shoulders. This is because the shoulder muscles are developed by swimming strokes, such as freestyle, butterfly or backstroke.
  • Triceps. These are the muscles in the arms used to propel you through the water. All swimmers have clearly defined triceps because they are developed by repetitive arm movements in the pool.
  • Latissimus dorsi. The lats are the large muscles located in the middle of the back. These are used in all swimming strokes, and they help to create the classic swimmer physique of a V-shaped upper body.
  • Abdominals. All swimming strokes use the core muscles, so swimmers’ abs tend to be highly defined.
  • Legs. Swimmers’ legs are powerful and toned without bulky muscle. Strong legs are needed for effective starts and turns, as well as better movement through the water, but too much muscle will increase drag, slowing you down.

Swimmers are also associated with low body fat. Swimming is a great cardio workout that burns a lot of calories and speeds up your metabolism. This cuts down body fat and gives the appearance of a slimmer waist, which is something we also associate with the classic swimmer body.

Swimmer's body is muscly

How to get a swimmer’s body

It’s true that some of what makes a champion swimmer is impossible to achieve through training. Height, limb length and the size of your hands and feet are all determined by genetics, so no amount of exercise will change them.

However, no matter your natural shape and size, there are still a number of things you can do to achieve the lean, toned appearance of a top swimmer. Here are our three top tips for achieving a swimmers body.

1. Swim regularly

This should really go without saying. Achieving a swimmer body takes a lot of hard work in the pool! The top swimmers are practising their sport for several hours each day, perfecting their techniques and keeping themselves in top physical condition.

This results in the clearly defined muscles we all associate with a classic swimmers physique.

If you want to put the hours in, it helps if you have a pool in your backyard. This means you can swim in the privacy and comfort of your own property whenever you want, instead of having to wait to go to a public pool. If you’re serious about swimming, a lap pool would be the best choice for you.

It offers a long, unimpeded corridor of water specifically designed for swimming laps. There is nothing in the design that can get in the way of your swimming, and it’s relatively easy to find a size of lap pool that can fit into the dimensions of your backyard.

This makes it ideal for improving your technique and lap times, as well as developing that all-important swimmer body! Last but not least, what can be better than staycationing by your new Compas lap pool?

Swim regularly to get the swimmer's body

2. Do the right exercises

Champion swimmers’ entire lives are dedicated to becoming the best they can possibly be at their sport. But this doesn’t mean they spend all day, every day, swimming. They also hit the gym, usually every day, to improve their body strength and overall levels of fitness.

Most swimmers do regular weightlifting, as well as a combination of other exercises. These include:

  • Warmups. Nobody should ever get into a swimming pool without warming up their muscles. A good warmup routine should include stretches, push-ups and sit-ups to improve strength and flexibility, as well as to help prevent you from getting cramps once you get into the pool.
  • Planks. Planks are great for strengthening your shoulders, arms and upper body, as well as developing your core strength. When you regularly do planks alongside your swimming routine, you will start to see those highly defined abs that the swimmer physique is famous for!
  • Core exercises. A strong core is essential for swimming as it gives you strength and stability in the water. Exercises such as leg lifts and V-sits are ideal for strengthening your core muscles and helping you to achieve a swimmers body.

These are all exercises requiring no equipment – you can easily do them at home or at the poolside before you swim. However, gym equipment can also play an important part in achieving the perfect swimmer body. Exercises you can do at the gym include:

  • Rowing. Using a rowing machine is a great way to develop a swimmer physique. It exercises all the muscles you rely on for swimming – the arms, abs, back and legs, resulting in more tone and definition, and giving the appearance of an authentic swimmer body!
  • Crunch presses. Combining crunches with dumbbell presses is an ideal exercise for the shoulders, resulting in that broad swimmer look.
  • Pulldowns. Pulldowns to the neck and chest exercise the lats, giving strength to your swimming performance and helping you to look more like a swimmer with that V-shaped upper body.

Combine all of these exercises with regular swimming, and you’re well on your way to a swimmer’s body!

Swimmers exercises - core

3. Eat properly

Swimming is an exercise that burns a lot of calories. If you want to look like a pro swimmer, you have to give your body enough fuel to sustain your training regime. But it isn’t enough simply to eat to transform your body to swimmer’s body – you have to consume a nutritious, balanced diet that gives your body exactly the right types of sustenance.

This means balancing your diet into three core groups:

  • Carbohydrates. These are the main sources of energy that the body gets from food, and they tend to make up around 50 per cent of a top swimmer’s diet. Carbohydrates are sugars, starches and fibres that the body breaks down into energy. It is important to eat good carbohydrates, which can be found in whole grains, fruit, vegetables, beans and pulses.
  • Proteins. Proteins improve the functions of the body’s organs and tissues. They are also essential for building muscle mass, which you need if you are sticking to an intensive training regime and trying to achieve a swimmers body. Top swimmers get around 25 per cent of their nutrition from protein, which can be found in eggs, milk, fish, nuts and seeds.
  • Fats. Healthy fats are good for heart health and help to lower your cholesterol. The healthy fats you should be looking for are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Avocado, olives, peanut butter, tofu and sunflower seeds are all excellent sources of healthy fats.

With so much healthy food to choose from, it isn’t hard to create a balanced eating plan that’s delicious at the same time. As such, you can look forward to mealtimes knowing that you are helping to give yourself a swimmer body!

Nutritious and balanced diet helps swimmer's body

Find out more about how to get a swimmer’s body

If you’re feeling inspired by this article and can’t wait to get started on your new eating and exercise plan, that’s great! Here at Compass Pools, we’re passionate about promoting the many benefits of swimming for your health and wellbeing. This includes achieving the perfect physique you have always dreamed of!

For more tips, advice and news, keep checking out our blog. Or, if you are trying to find the perfect pool for your backyard, please contact us. With dealers located all over Australia, our team are always happy to help you find the right pool for you.

The post 3 Effective Steps to a Swimmer’s Body: Exercises for Swimmers and Beyond appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

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Is buying a swimming pool a good investment? Mon, 06 Mar 2017 01:10:29 +0000 Having a backyard pool can dramatically change your life at home for the better! Many families report that their swimming pool provides countless hours of entertainment for children (keeping active and away from screen time!), increases the amount of quality family time and can be used to boost fitness. Unlike spending money on a holiday, a swimming pool allows you to have resort-style living all summer long ...

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One thing that is often top of mind when buying a swimming pool is “will this be a good investment”. Naturally, when making improvements to your home, you want to ensure that you are being wise with the money you are spending.

The answer as to whether your pool will turn out to be a good purchase needs to be looked at from a few different angles.

A Swimming Pool will provide years of enjoyment, entertainment and health benefits to your family

Pool Adding Value to Your Home

Having a backyard pool can dramatically change your life at home for the better! Many families report that their swimming pool provides countless hours of entertainment for children (keeping active and away from screen time!), increases the amount of quality family time and can be used to boost fitness. Unlike spending money on a holiday, a swimming pool allows you to have resort-style living all summer long, every year!

If well-planned, a pool can add significant value to your home too

There tend to be two types of buyers in the housing market. The first group are the people who see a swimming pool in the backyard, and immediately see the house as a better option for them, thus a pool increases the perceived value of the property for this group of people.

The other group can see a swimming pool and wonder if it will be costly to run and take up too much time to keep clean and maintain. So it is essential that when buying a pool you investigate ways to make it appeal to as many people as possible.

A few simple considerations at the beginning of your pool buying process can make the world of difference when it comes to making sure your pool adds value to your home when the time comes to sell.

Here’s a few tips to help ensure your pool will add value to your home:

1. Consider location carefully

Take some time to think about the best area to place your pool. Be sure to think about sunshine, wind, proximity to the house, noise and aesthetics. Swimming pools are a great centrepiece of the backyard; in fact, you spend more time looking at them than you do swimming in them. The more appealing the pool looks from your living spaces, the better!

2. Choose your pool shape wisely

Like most things, pool shapes go in and out of fashion. For example in the 90’s kidney shaped pools were very common, but these days very few people buy them.  If you are thinking about future on-sale value it pays to choose shapes that have stood the test of time. Rectangular pools and pools with straight edges like the X-Trainer swimming pool and Vogue pool models have always remained best sellers because they seem to work in with most people’s tastes. Our Vogue swimming pool is a popular family pool.

3. Think carefully about depth

People often tell us they want their pool to be “as deep as possible” which is why we encourage you to think carefully about what depth will suit you best. Most people tend to enjoy their pool by standing and playing rather than actually swimming. This is one of the reasons we make the majority of our pools running shallow to deep; that way each pool model caters to people of different heights and abilities. Further to this, every model has a safety ledge running around the perimeter of the pool to allow a safe place to stand and rest.

4. Minimise effort

One of the things that can potentially scare people off swimming pools is the thought of having to look after it on a daily basis. It pays to think about the different things you can do to make your pool as “hands-free” as possible. In an ideal world, people want to be able to use their pool whenever they want with little preparation. These days swimming pools can be set up to be virtually hands-free. Our Vantage in-floor cleaning system ensures your water is properly circulated and that all debris is regularly removed from your pool without the need for manual cleaning or automatic vacuums. Our customers regularly report to us that this system has made their pool, and home easier to sell when on the market. It is one of the features you should go for when looking for “the best pool” that you’ll love. Integrated pool management systems can also be added to your pool. These essentially manage the day to day water chemistry in your swimming pool – all of the seemingly daunting work can now be managed by one simple machine.

5. Think about energy savings

The less your pool costs to run the better it is for you and the more attractive it will be to future buyers. Ask your pool consultant to walk you through the different options to help reduce power consumption. These days’ energy efficient pumps are very popular and come recommended by most pool dealers. But beware; when operating in reduced-flow mode you may find that your pool experiences a significant reduction in circulation quality. This often means you will end up spending more money trying to keep your pool water clean and healthy. The most effective way to have a low-energy pool is to mix energy efficient equipment with a circulation method that ensures maximum mixing water. Traditional circulation systems tend to only move/mix the top 2ft of water in your pool leaving the deeper water to become the perfect breeding ground for algae and bacteria.  Talk to us about the two different ways you can boost circulation, save energy and have healthier water in your pool.

One of the FREE services that all Compass Pools dealers offer is an onsite pool consultation. These meetings usually take 1-2 hours and are designed to help you get answers to all the important questions before investing in a pool.

Here’s a few of the questions we can help with on the day:

  • Where is the best spot to put a pool?
  • What size pool is ideal for my family?
  • What shapes will work best for my backyard and budget?
  • What can be done to reduce ongoing maintenance work?
  • What can be done to reduce the power my pool will use?

Call us today on 1300 667 445 or find your local pool builder now.

How Much would YOUR POOL Cost?

Plunge pool, family pool or a lap pool? Fill in your details to find out how much a Compass Pool would cost at your place. No obligations!

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Is buying a swimming pool a good investment?

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Compass Pool saves home and helps firefighters in Christchurch Fri, 17 Feb 2017 17:58:35 +0000 On 15 February, fires stroked Christchurch Port Hills, just at the east boundary of a house equipped with a brand-new Compass Pool. The home and probably others were saved thanks to the pool which was used as a water tank filled with water from a nearby fire hydrant.

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On 15 February, fires stroked Christchurch Port Hills, just at the east boundary of a house equipped with a brand-new Compass Pool. The home and probably others were saved thanks to the pool which was used as a water tank filled with water from a nearby fire hydrant.

Compass Pools Australia Compass Pool Saves Home in Christchurch


There are so many benefits of having a pool. It is a spot to relax, place to have fun, work out or just be admired by your neighbours and friends. The couple from Port Hills, Christchurch, however, know that having a pool means much more than that. In fact, their home would probably not be there anymore if their new pool was not completed just two weeks ago.

Strong fires struck the area of Port Hills dangerously close to their home. They were evacuated immediately and while waiting in safety and thinking of the worst, the firemen converted their pool into a water tank used by helicopters to fight the fire.

They could use the outside hydrant to refill it and thus, it helped to put the fire under control and save not only their house, but most probably other properties and nature as well. About midday on Friday, Miranda and Craig Newbury knew they were incredibly lucky. As Miranda said to Stuff: “It’s terribly sad but we are hugging and celebrating. All our neighbours are talking about coming back and rebuilding. This is not going to stop us living up there.”

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Planning A New Pool – Follow This Advice Thu, 07 May 2015 05:42:40 +0000 I’ve helped hundreds of people plan their new pool. I really think that the three most important things to have a bit of a think about when you’re doing that is first the purpose, what you’re actually going to use your pool for. Is it for kids, family fun, is it just something pretty to look at, have barbeques around? Does it need to be suitable for anyone elderly who is getting into the pool?

The other thing is effort – how much effort you want to put into owning it. If you’re time poor and you do not see yourself out cleaning the pool or out there testing the water chemistry, there are certain things that you can do that can take a lot of that effort out of it.

The post Planning A New Pool – Follow This Advice appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


Planning a new pool? Ask yourself why you want a swimming pool

Video transcription: I’ve helped hundreds of people plan their new pool. I really think that the three most important things to have a bit of a think about when you’re doing that is first the purpose, what you’re actually going to use your pool for. Is it for kids, family fun, is it just something pretty to look at, have barbecues around? Does it need to be suitable for anyone elderly who is getting into the pool?

The other thing is effort – how much effort you want to put into owning it. If you’re time poor and you do not see yourself out cleaning the pool or out there testing the water chemistry, there are certain things that you can do that can take a lot of that effort out of it.

A big thing a lot of real estate agents tell me is that position is a pretty big factor in the planning stages. If you’ve got a nice family home and you’ve got kids, you always want to make sure that you’ve got a nice area for kids to play in the yard and you’ve got your pool in an area you can see clearly from the house or off the al fresco area.

I think the purpose, what you’re going to use it for, how much effort and where it’s going to go are pretty important things to have a bit of a think about. Give one of the team a call today on 1300 667 445.

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I’ve helped hundreds of people plan their new pool. I really think that the three most important things to have ...

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Which is better: concrete or fibreglass pool? Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:03:37 +0000 If you are investigating the idea of an in-ground swimming pool, you will find that some pool builders offer you a choice of either concrete or fibreglass swimming pool. Figuring out what type of pool is going to suit your needs best might seem like a daunting decision at first. In this article, we’ll take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of both swimming pools options to help you in your decision making...

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...Or How to Find the Best Swimming Pool...

If you are investigating the idea of an in-ground pool, you will find that some pool builders offer you a choice of either concrete or fibreglass. Figuring out what type of pool is going to suit your needs best might seem like a daunting decision at first. In this article, we’ll take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of both options to help you in your decision making. Get ready to make the first step in the quest for the best pool for you: Deciding for the fibreglass or concrete option.

What are the benefits of a fibreglass pool?

Looking for the Best Pool - Fibreglass Pool

  • They are quick to install: One great thing about fibreglass pools is that most of the work is done in the factory before your pool arrives on site. A standard installation can typically be completed in a week or two, whereas concrete pools will typically take several weeks, if not months to complete.
  • Fibreglass pools have a visually appealing surface: Some fibreglass pool manufacturers (including Compass Pools) have invested a great deal of time and resources into creating stunning pool surfaces that truly enhance the over-all look of the pool.
  • They are easy to look after: The smooth gelcoat surface on a fibreglass pool makes it much easier to control against algae and bacteria growth. Because of this, fibreglass pools are easier and generally less expensive to keep clean and healthy (less work and fewer chemicals). This can be a big plus in your “best pool for me” checklist.
  • They require very little ongoing care: Unlike some pool surface finishes, high-quality fibreglass pools should not need resurfacing during their lifetime. In most cases, all that is required is basic care in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines to keep in good condition.
  • Fibreglass pools seem warmer: Many existing pool owners who have owned both types of pools report that fibreglass pools are warmer. Check out online forums where multiple Australian-based users state that their fibreglass pools heat up faster than concrete and retain heat for longer. Surely, this is another argument why many people vote for fibreglass as the best pool technology.
  • Fibreglass is an incredibly durable building material: These days most fibreglass pool manufacturers make a reliable product and offer lengthy warranties to back them up. Fibreglass is a super-tough material which means that quality-manufactured fibreglass pools get the benefit of being both strong and flexible at the same time. Compass Pools offer added strength, durability and chemical resistance with its patented ceramic composite technology (more on this in the final section of this article).

What are the downfalls of a fibreglass pool?

  • Shape/size limitations: Because fibreglass pools are made on a factory mould rather than onsite, you can only choose from the pre-determined shapes that the various manufacturers provide. The sizes and shapes are further limited (particularly in width) by the fact that they need to be transported by road. The widest pool supplied by Compass Pools for example is 4.2m in width. If you select our X-Trainer swimming pool shape, for example, you have 4 models that are 4.2 wide to select from: 8.2, 9.4, 10.2 and 11.8. Most manufacturers have a pretty diverse range of shapes and sizes available and the majority of the time you can easily find what you’re looking for. Many Compass dealers also offer a unique customisation service allowing additional swim-outs, beach entries and lounge areas to be built into the pool design.

What are the benefits of a concrete pool?

Compass Pools Australia Looking for the best pool Benefits of concrete pools

  • Flexibility with design: The one obvious benefit is that you can build a concrete pool to match any shape or design you have dreamed of. And because concrete pools are made on-site, your pool builder can adjust your design exactly to suit your site.
  • Aesthetics: New concrete pools tend to look very appealing, and there are a range of surface finishes available from pebble to tile, depending on your preferences and budget.
  • Strong: It’s fair to say that concrete pools have been around a long time and that from a structural point of view they are reliable and strong.

What are the downfalls of a concrete pool?

  • They can take a lot longer to build: It can take several months of onsite work to complete the construction of your concrete pool, whereas other options can be finished in a few weeks or less.
  • Concrete options can be more costly to build: Concrete pools can quickly become complex in design and it does not take long for costs to grow.
  • Many popular surface finishes are rough under foot: One common complaint of concrete pools is that they can be rough on bare feet and can cause grazes and scrapes – especially for kids who like to rough and tumble in the pool.
  • They can cost more to run on a daily basis: Concrete surfaces are often porous, allowing them to absorb water and become the ideal breeding ground for algae and bacteria to grow. Owners of these concrete pools typically spend more time and money keeping their pools healthy and safe to swim in.
  • Concrete pools are generally more susceptible to black algae: Where black algae has attached itself to pores in the pool surface, it can prove very difficult to completely eradicate.
  • They can require expensive up-keep over the long term: Concrete pools require ongoing care and maintenance and in some cases will need to be reconditioned after fifteen years or so, depending on the type of surface finish used.

Are all fibreglass pools the same?

Because of all the benefits of fibreglass pools, they are the number one option for many pool buyers looking for the best swimming pool. But are all the fibreglass pools the same? The short answer is no. Most manufacturers in Australia make reliable and long-lasting products but a few have significant differences which make them stand out from the rest. One such difference is the use of ceramic composite technology. This innovative technology was first developed and patented by Compass Pools in the mid 90’s and is used in all its pools supplied across the Compass dealer network. Similar technology has also been used by Aqua Technics (in Western Australia only) and Viking Pools (in the Northern Territory only). If looking for the best fibreglass pool, you should definitely consider having a high quality swimming pool with ceramic composite technology.

Compass Pools pioneered ceramic composite technology by mixing super-strong ceramic micro-spheres into vinyl-ester resin and then applying this mixture to create a super-tough and chemically resistant core in the pool shell. This core gives the Compass pool even greater durability, making it ideally suited to cope with the full range of soil conditions (which can affect seasonal ground movement) and severe weather events (which can affect groundwater pressure).

Which is better – you decide!

When you compare the list of pros and cons of concrete and fibreglass pools, it’s not surprising to discover that more than half of all in-ground pools installed in Australia today are fibreglass pools, which represents a significant increase in market share over the last 30 years. Modern fibreglass pools offer an amazing range of shapes and sizes, durability, good looks and can be easier and more cost effective to look after (over the long term) than concrete pools. Compass fibreglass ceramic pools also come with industry-leading warranty protection and the option of the exclusive Vantage in-floor system. Compass Pools authorised dealers have built some of the best pools in Australia rewarded by many highly recognised awards. Many of these awarded pools are shown in our Pool Gallery where you can explore some of the best pools installed. Concrete pools on the other hand, tend to give you more flexibility when it comes to design and can include premium tile finishes where the budget allows. Some concrete pool builders also offer in-floor cleaning and circulation systems.

How Much would YOUR POOL Cost?

Plunge pool, family pool or a lap pool? Fill in your details to find out how much a Compass Pool would cost at your place. No obligations!

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Detailed look on swimming pool costs

What influences the cost of a swimming pool?

Sometimes it can be hard to answer the question “how much will my pool cost” straight off the cuff. The reason for this is simple, each and every backyard is different and there are a number of things that can ...
Compass Pools Australia Pool 101 How much does a swimming pool cost one off pool maintance

How much does an in-ground pool cost?

It comes as no surprise that one of the first questions people usually ask is "how much will my new in-ground pool cost?" The answer to that question is best given in two parts. What will it cost to get ...
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How long does it take to build a pool?

One common question we get asked is "how long will it take to build my new pool?" The answer to that question depends on a number of different factors which include (but are not limited to): The planning process The ...
Compass Pools Australia Pool 101 Enhanced Pool Water Circulation

Circulation: the key to an easy pool!

I’m not sure about you, but the appeal of having my own swimming pool arises from the idea of having my own backyard oasis – resort-style living at home. I picture sunshine, fun-times, and pure relaxation. What doesn’t immediately spring ...
Is buying a swimming pool a good investment?

Is buying a swimming pool a good investment?

One thing that is often top of mind when buying a swimming pool is “will this be a good investment”. Naturally, when making improvements to your home, you want to ensure that you are being wise with the money you ...

The post Which is better: concrete or fibreglass pool? appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.

6 Top Tips for Swimming Pool Buyers Wed, 15 Apr 2015 17:26:50 +0000 The thing about swimming pools is that once they are in the ground they are there to stay, so the decisions you make at the purchasing stage can affect your overall satisfaction further down the track. There are plenty of factors to consider that will influence your choices as you create your ideal pool. Let's have a look at some of the important questions/points you’ll need to think about so you end up with the best pool for you and your family.

The post 6 Top Tips for Swimming Pool Buyers appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.


The thing about swimming pools is that once they are in the ground they are there to stay, so the decisions you make at the purchasing stage can affect your overall satisfaction further down the track. There are plenty of factors to consider that will influence your choices as you create your ideal pool. In this article we take a look at some of the important questions/points you’ll need to think about so you end up with the best pool for you and your family.

1)     What is your motivation for buying a pool?

The first and most important thing to consider is what you want to get out of owning a swimming pool. Some people see a pool as the perfect way to relax and unwind, some use their pool to bring the family together, others to keep their teenagers at home. Whatever your motivation, try not to lose sight of what you want from your pool. Along the way you’ll need to make decisions about what features you want to include in your new pool, so always refer back to what you want to achieve and the pool buying decision making process will be easier.

2)     What is the best way to run/operate your new pool?

This is often something that people don’t pay enough attention to at the beginning of the process. The way your pool runs/operates will have a huge influence on the following things.

  1. The ongoing electricity costs of filtering your pool
  2. The amount of chemicals needed to keep your water safe to swim in
  3. The amount of your time required to look after the pool
  4. The value your pool adds (or takes away) from your home

Most backyard swimming pools installed over the past 40 years operate the same way. Water is skimmed off the surface of the pool through a skimmer box. It is then pumped through a filter and returned to the pool through jets (commonly called return eyeballs) close to the surface in the pool wall. The “theory” is that all pool water is circulated during the daily cycle while the pump is running. The problem is that the top third of the pool generally gets circulated over and over again, and the deeper sections can be under-circulated. We call this operating system ‘traditional’ circulation, and it does have its limitations.

Some pool companies like Compass now offer enhanced circulation systems, because the more your pool water is mixed and filtered the healthier it will be. Proper mixing and filtration will lead to lower chemical use (as chemicals are not just concentrated in the top layer of water, being burnt off by the sun). You’ll also notice that the pool water is easier to manage from a sanitisation point-of-view, when enhanced circulation systems are used, because chemicals used for balancing are adequately mixed throughout the whole pool.

The operating system you choose can have a big impact on your electricity bill too. These days, energy efficient pumps are very popular and are quickly replacing the traditional fixed-speed filter pump. With electricity savings of up to 80% using these latest-technology pumps, it’s a natural choice to make. The one problem with energy efficient pumps is that when they operate on low speeds (to maximise the savings in electricity consumption) the flowrate of pool water being circulated is reduced and there can be a subsequent decrease in water quality in the deeper sections of the pool. To get the true benefit out of an energy efficient pump, your pool’s operating system should have a way of maintaining efficient circulation for proper filtration and mixing of all the pool’s water. To find out how to make energy efficient pumps work in your pool, ask your local Compass Pool’s dealer about the exclusive Logic enhanced circulation system.

Of course, the ultimate way to look after your pool is to opt for the famous Vantage in-floor system. Vantage not only ensures maximum circulation, chemical efficiency and energy efficiency, it also cleans the pool for you, which allows more time to swim, relax and enjoy! The Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system also adds value and appeal to future buyers when the time comes to sell your home.

3) What type of Pool will work best for you?

A pool is a pool right? Wrong! The type of pool that you choose to buy can have a long-lasting effect on over-all satisfaction with your decision.

As mentioned before, your pool is a permanent structure which means it can only be replaced or upgraded at major cost once it has been installed. You need to be satisfied that the pool you purchase meets your immediate needs, budget requirements, and long term needs. Product warranties, reliability and of course personal needs and wants, are all factors in this equation.

Ultimately you will need to choose between concrete, fibreglass or vinyl-liner pools. Find out more about concrete and fibreglass to know which pool will work best for you.

Many people choose the fibreglass pool option for the following reasons:

  • Fiberglass swimming pools are relatively cost effective
  • Fibreglass pools can be easier to keep clean and healthy
  • They are generally quicker to install than concrete pools
  • They are warranted for at least 25 years, and usually, require less ongoing maintenance

But are all fibreglass pools equal? – The answer is no. Whilst most Australian manufacturers make a reliable product, there are some that have distinctive and important differences. For example, in the mid 90’s Ian Mewett (co-founder of Compass Pools) helped pioneer a technique of pool manufacturing using a ceramic and vinyl-ester composite core. Compass Pools owes much of its success and credibility to its patented ceramic core technology, which ensures that Compass ceramic pool shells are tougher and more durable, and are therefore more able to cope with seasonal ground movement as well as the effects of long-term immersion in pool water.

4) What pool manufacturer/brand should you choose?

As you probably know, there are quite a few pool manufacturers throughout Australia, some of whom include: Compass Pools, Leisure Pools, Narellan, Barrier Reef and Freedom Pools to name a few major ones.

Choosing the right manufacturer or pool brand is about reducing your risk and obtaining peace of mind that you will be looked after during the purchase, installation, and in the years after your pool has been handed over.

Here are a few things to investigate about the pool manufacturer before committing:

  • How long have they been in business?
  • What do people say about the brand online?
  • What is (and is not) covered in their product warranty and does their warranty comply with current Australian Consumer Law requirements?
  • Have they been making pools at least as long as they warrant them for?

 5) What pool builder should you work with?

Chances are that almost every major manufacturer will have a pool retailer representing their brand in your area. In some cases these representatives will be subsidiaries of the manufacturer, franchisees, or independent dealers.

It goes without saying that the business which actually installs your new swimming pool can have a HUGE impact on your over-all satisfaction and future enjoyment of your pool. It pays to work with people who are reliable, honest and skilled at what they do, as well as being licensed and insured.

Here are a few tips to help you decide who to work with:

  • Ask to speak to current and previous customers about their experience
  • Ask to see display pools or pools that they have installed recently
  • Search what people say about them online – check out their Facebook page and the tone of customer feedback
  • Ask questions about their business history – how long have they been operating in your area (their website may include business and staff profiles and other interesting information)

 6) Think about what can be added later and what has to go into the pool at the beginning?

Looking at your overall budget, you may decide to stage or delay certain optional features. For example, you may choose to include plumbing provision for a heat-pump but wait a year or two before you purchase and install the actual heating system. But there are some decisions that need to be made before your pool gets installed in the ground. A good example is the Vantage in-floor cleaning and circulation system which can’t be added after the pool has been installed. To avoid future regrets, do your research and be just as careful in deciding the options you exclude, as the options you include.

So make sure you talk with your pool consultant about the “must haves” that need to be decided on before your pool is ordered. It is better to plan for these things in your immediate budget and then stage the roll-out of other extras like landscaping or heating when the time is right. That way you can have your cake and eat it too, or as we say, have your pool and enjoy it too!

How Much would YOUR POOL Cost?

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The post 6 Top Tips for Swimming Pool Buyers appeared first on Compass Pools Australia.
